This is my blog....... I started it a few weeks ago, to help with my sanity and to see if I can help anybody else out in the process. Please read it and share. I hope it can help anyone in my situation or similar
Might help :): This is my blog... - Epilepsy Research...
Might help :)

Hiya hope you are well i had epilepsy for 14 years and i tried numerous medication which didnt work all the tablets were either too strong and gave me side effects or i was allergic so i took the radical desicion to have brain surgery i had a right sided temporol lobe lobectomy done in december 2013 and i am pleased to say to date i have had no seizures just auras i am really really pleased i wish i had done it years ago it might not be for everybody but its worth considering
Hi. It is something I have never considered, as it's never been suggested to me. My epilepsy is caused by scarring so not sure if I would be able to have it, I am definitely going to look into it now though. Thank you so much for replying I hope you enjoy the blog. x
Hello I hope your ok it is hard I know sometimes I feel like I don't want to be here but it does get better with time but I do know how you feel take care from Eric xx
Thanks Eric. It's just nice to know that other people understand where I'm coming from, not that I would wish an illness on anybody but you know what I mean. It can be pretty lonely hey. I really appreciate your response and hope you continue to enjoy the blog. x
I have had epilepsy for 40 years now (since the age of 16), and have had many 'ups and downs' over the 40-year cycle. I am currently on Carbamazapine and Phenytoin which I have been on for the last 20 years.
Doctors used me as a 'guinea pig' in the past, but I have put my foot down and won't be sent any more for MRI's, brain scans etc. I know my seizures, and I know my body and the affect they have on me.
I have gone 22 weeks seizure free and am positive that it will continue.
I opened up an Inspirational and Motivational Page on Facebook in March, 2013, which has helped so many others share their epilepsy. Please feel free to VISIT, LIKE, become a Member and SHARE it with others who would be interested.
Herewith the link:
Take care!