What can i do when i am not happy wit... - Epilepsy Research...

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What can i do when i am not happy with my Neurologist?

teddy501 profile image
15 Replies
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teddy501 profile image
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15 Replies

Hi Teddy501,

Please give more information on why you aren't happy with your Neurologist.

Don't stop getting a 2nd opinion and maybe seeking another Neurologist or go back to your Doctor and advise why.

Hoping you can find a solution to this problem. Tell us more.

teddy501 profile image
teddy501 in reply to

I started getting what i call 'these turns' three years ago. Feeling of dejavu, strange smells and taste, followed by dizziness and nausea then fatigue. I finally got to see a Neurologist 12 months ago who diagnosed a subarachnoid cyst on left frontal lobe and temporal lobe epilepsy. He said the cyst does not cause symptoms. I have been on three types of tablets none of them worked and all made me worse. My turns are now up to 22 a week and distroying my life. I am with the Neurologist later this week and i dont know what to say or do as he does not listen to me. Thank u for replying to me.

EpilepsyInst profile image
EpilepsyInstPartnerEpilepsy Research UK

Hello Teddy501, you are entitled to a second opinion, but you will need to be referred to another neurologist by your GP. As lesmal advises, it would be a good idea to book an appointment with your GP and discuss your concerns. Do let us know how you get on. All the best ERUK_RI

teddy501 profile image
teddy501 in reply to EpilepsyInst

Thank u and yes i will book to see my GP. I am with the Neurologist later this week so i will keep you updated. Once again thank u for your reply.

imthebest1 profile image
imthebest1 in reply to EpilepsyInst

she is putting my life on an edge like she took my kids she also locked my meds in a box she monitors what i do basicly harrasing me...doctors are supposed to be doctores does not include being in a person personal life..weather i get seizures or not i need,my freedom to be happy in which madde me stay inside all my life she ruined my life..

rustypen31 profile image

Like yourself, I am unhappy with a neurologist. At my last visit, the neurologist did not have any note of one pill I was taking! She decided to give me more of that pill (Mysoline 250mg) and take off Keppra. It meant I've been tired and lacking in concentration for many weeks. Because of this I'm seeing my GP tomorrow. If the GP does not fix an appointment with the Neurologist fairly soon I can have two options, (a) write a letter of complaint to the hospital, (b) write a letter to the health board. A few years ago I wrote a letter to the Fife Health Board on behalf of my mother. It resulted in a communication being sent from them to every chemist in Fife.

imthebest1 profile image
imthebest1 in reply to rustypen31

please dont let that neurologist take over your life

Please keep us posted after your meeting with the Neurologist later this week... If still not happy ensure you make an appointment with your GP to discuss... You are entitled to a second opinion and you are also entitled to move to another one. Hoping all goes well in the next few days/weeks.

rustypen31 profile image
rustypen31 in reply to

I saw my GP today. She said I should take the Mysoline 250mg one in the morning and two at night instead of one in the morning, one in the evening and one at night. I questioned this, reckoning I'd always have the same chemicals within me. If this failed she reckoned I could use one pill less. It was only after my stating that the BMA was a medical trade union that she decided to write to the neurologist, not the quickest of communications. What do you think of this outcome?

nicolagreves profile image

I wasn't happy with the advice of the 1st specialist I was referred to - as others have adviced - I spoke with my GP about my concerns, who acknowledged my views and referred me to an alternative, who immediately altered my medication, and to who I feel so very grateful x

Hi rustypen31, my suggestion would be to amend the dosages and times of medication as the GP has said, for approximately a month. If still no progress, you have every right to complain about the service received from both your GP and the Neurologist. If not happy with your GP, then maybe find another GP too.

rustypen31 profile image

Thanks lesmal, but I'm not sure I can amend the dosages for as long as a month. My energy and concentration have both been strongly attacked. I need concentraion very much for my lifestyle. Every Thursday I sing at the old folks home in which my mother is resident. Also I do creative writing of dramatic works and am presently writing a 30 minute Christmas play.

teddy501 profile image

Hi All, just to let you know the update with my Neurologist that I seen on Thursday. Well I was gobsmacked!! Firstly he was really caring and said that he is worried that the tablets had not been working. He told me he would like me to see another Neurologist and a Neurosurgeon as there is something not right. He also offered to have me admitted to hospital for further tests ( I agreed to attend the tests via outpatients) he wants me to be retested all over again and to try and find out what is wrong. I was so pleased with him as I was starting to think that it was all in my head. He did say that my symptoms of an Aura do look like epilepsy but they last too long and I don't go into losing consciousness and that for him was a worry!. So he has now referred me as an Urgent patient for tests so I will keep you all updated. Thanks Everyone for your support and kind words xxx

Luckystay profile image
Luckystay in reply to teddy501

Hi there, just wondering how you have gone on with all your probs/diagnosis?? I know it was a long time ago, just reading through the comments. I know that you had asked a couple of questions and that you were very much querying your epilepsy diagnosis and none of the treatments were suiting you. I'm in a similar position, so I wondered what had happened to you with your condition? Best wishes to you anyway, and I hope you found peace with it all.

Hello you have a right to express your concerns and consult with anothet Neurologist