My first post to this site. Don't know how many members there are?
Look forward to 'chatting' with you.
My first post to this site. Don't know how many members there are?
Look forward to 'chatting' with you.
Hi and welcome to the site,
Anytime you fancy a chat drop a line. In regards to members if you click on the directory button above it will show you those of us that are here.
Maybe we will chat sometime. If you click on the tag links on the side in blue boxes, not only will you be taken to places of previous questions but you will get to read replies some of us have left.
Take care
Thanks for your reply and welcome.
Yes maybe we will exchange information etc once I get to grips with how the site works. Your information was helpful.
Many thanks,
Hi Jazz, and welcome. I have been with this site for a few months and find it good to "talk" to people in the same situations as me. "Talk again soon.
Oh I meant to ask you why have you got 'volunteer' by your name?
Hi Jazzz
When I joined the site I came across a number of questions here and there that I felt I could offer useful and supportive advice for. Like so many on this site I have managed my Epilepsy for many years, picked up a lot of useful information during that time and i personally have also worked in the health industry for a long time. I asked to become a volunteer as I liked the idea of sharing what I know. The volunteers get emails on occasion when new members join or questions are posted to see if we can help. But that's not really that different to all of us here. We all just want to gather together, share our thoughts and provide support where possible.
Thanks for your post. Sorry for delay in response but not been on here for a while.
Hi jazz and welcome. I think I may have been the first member (or close to it!) My 19 year old son has epilepsy, my sister had it and my niece died of SUDEP last year. It is a supportive community with a positive outlook.
Hi Chimbelina,
I am so sorry to hear of your experiences. Losing your neice must have been so hard for you all!
Epilepsy certainly seems to run in your family. I have an older sister who has a complicated history that seems to include epilepsy type symptoms but she is stable on mild level of medication.
I am about to apply for my driving licence having been seizure free for over two years. Hope it all goes through ok!!
Sorry for delay in my response to your post but I haven't been on here since I last posted.
Take care,
This is my first post and I find these blogs extremely useful. I have been a member on a prostate cancer blog for some years and you really learn a lot you cannot get from books.. They show you are not alone and you get a great deal of information on coping from others that you rarely get from doctors. It also shows how others deal with particular situations. Although everybody is different you will usually pick up tips which may have relevance to you.
Hello Pezenas,
Do you have epilepsy or do you care for someone with epilepsy?
Sorry to hear about the prostate cancer - I assume from your post you are living with this?
My Father and Father in law both have advanced prostate cancer so I have some understanding of this illness and how it affects the sufferer and family and friends.
I hope you are okay and have lots of support.
Sorry for my late reply to your post but I haven't been o here for a while.
Take care,
Welcome if you need to know anything just txt me on here eric