I wondered if you have any experience/advice for ivf with endometriosis? I’m about to do my first cycle and wondering how the hormones might affect me (will they flare endo?) and whether i should have a break from work (I’m a nurse)
I wondered if you have any experience/advice for ivf with endometriosis? I’m about to do my first cycle and wondering how the hormones might affect me (will they flare endo?) and whether i should have a break from work (I’m a nurse)
I feared the worst but weirdly, I felt better taking the hormones than I normally do 🙈 I was more bloated than normal but pain was okay. The worst bit for me was the pain/flare after the collection! Good luck 🙂
I’ve got a diagnosis of severe rectovaginal endo and also affecting left ovary and around it. I found first cycle was okay but by time doing next rounds each cycle progressively worsened things until the cycle before I went ahead with excision surgery was awful. I hope you have success quickly 🤞🏼
I think everyone's bodies react differently. I was fortunate enough to be able to take time off for my cycles and I'm glad I did as I didn't react well but others sail through it. It's a process you'll hopefully only have to go through once so if you can take time off to help your body through it without the extra stress of work then I would. My first round ended in an early miscarriage but my second round was successful, and then I went on to have a miracle natural pregnancy afterwards! Good luck with it all and take care of yourself through the process. It can be tough going but worth it in the end x