Diet question again sugar : Before endo I... - Endometriosis UK

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Diet question again sugar

Afrohair profile image
17 Replies

Before endo I was quite a sugar bug I got my self strict off it when I started having symptoms I’ve now diverted to dark chocolate but feel like I’m having cravings and Bordem again for it !how do I stop this ?though dark organic is better I’m noticing I’m increasing the amount partner just brought it up how much sweets I had before I lost my last baby which is kind of true and has made me feel a bit guilty when I was pregnant I could go through 2 bags of fruit tElla a day I don’t smoke or drink alcohol or caffeine so this used to be my thing I used to eat chocolate I used to love a galaxy Ripple or 2 but now I’ve gone on to dark chocolate I don’t have sugar in anything else except fruit is it ok to have the amount I’m having?go through about 6 squares a day on a big bar I don’t feel fulfilled and sometimes feel guilty it’s like I have nothing for enjoyment any more I’m doing everything else right I decided to cut out red meat to once a month and eat more fish instead and less chicken I’m back on eggs again but I’m only allowed a certain kind

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Afrohair profile image
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17 Replies

I don’t think there would be any issue at all with what you’re currently doing and I find my pain decreases if I manage to keep my sugar consumption down. I was such a sweet tooth previously but when I noticed how much it increased my pain I decided to try to reduce it. I still have fruit though, and have some fruit with sugar free coconut yoghurt after dinner as dessert. I think since following the endo diet my tastes and preferences have changed quite a lot. There’s a lot of trial & error involved though I think, to see what suits you best. X

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to

I’ve started with coconut yoghurt with honey I love the taste again I’m noticing I’m bringing sugar in a lot but at least I know what I’m eating not like the fruit yogurt we see on shelves with lots of additives my preferences have changed a lot I won’t eat anywhere nowadays as I hate the thought of processed foods.

AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi I am a really healthy person eating wise and I still have terrible issues with pain etc .

I think what you are doing is fine, I like the odd alcoholic drink. We have to enjoy some things in life 💕

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to AllthatGlitters

Your right ❤️

jasne77 profile image

Hi, I think it is bad for your mental health if you feel so guilty because you eat sweets. Does sugar even change your pain? Neither sugar, caffeine, red meat or dairy make me feel unwell or add extra pain but gluten and alcohol do. So I only exclude these two things. Really, there is already so much we can't do let's not make our lifes harder.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to jasne77

Your probably right ❤️ I probably feel more guilty because it’s linked to me loosing a baby .I know we never know why it happens really but I remember eating too many sweets before .that’s what I was doing the day before my scan and I don’t really know why I ate so many at the time but I feel more guilty because I feel like I lost my baby from unhealthy eating I was very carefree before endometriosis I never followed a diet plan

jasne77 profile image
jasne77 in reply to Afrohair

It's terrible that you lost your baby, but there is no reason to feel guilty and blame yourself. Such thoughts are irrational and toxic. Not everything is about the diet. Humans would be extincted if it was.

Giagal profile image

I understand your frustration. I felt better when I cut right back on sugar and dairy, but I missed my chocolate but I have found this great really easy endo safe chocolate recipe that also happens to be healthy and loving it.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Giagal

Thankyou very much for that I’m also having to improvise on hot chocolate haven’t quite mastered a good recepie yet

theorah profile image

I think you should do whatever makes you happy- if the pain is unbearable and chocolate is definitely contributing to that, then you'll find ways to make yourself stop. But if not, then go ahead and treat yourself.

No one is perfect, and we shouldn't be trying to eat perfectly/live longer if our lives don't have those little indulgences that make us relax or happy, otherwise what's the point of it all :)

Have you seen a therapist or counseller about the baby you lost? That's always such a tough thing to go through and it sounds like you're still dealing with that. I hope you stop having those feelings of guilt in the future :)

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to theorah

Thanks for your reply me and the councillor have lost touch it’s very much me and my thoughts xx

JW1007 profile image

Hi, I just wanted to say, I don’t have any answers when it comes to cutting down sugar (I eat what I want) and being pregnant, that includes lots of sweets! However, please know: eating too many sweets cannot lead to miscarriage. So many women (myself included) have terrible diets during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester when nausea mean you often can’t stomach the nutritious stuff and you get the strongest cravings for things like gummy sweets! Sorry I don’t have answers to your questions, but wanted you to put that idea that somehow too many sweets have lead to miscarriage out of your mind. Hope you find a balance in your diet that works for you, but don’t beat yourself when your diet isn’t perfect.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to JW1007

Thankyou for your response x

True what the others say, don't feel guilty over a bit of chocolate. Sugar is very addictive so I know what you mean. Sometimes craving sugar comes from lack of zinc. I also noticed myself that when I'm anxious I tend to go for the bad stuff. Please do not feel guilty about loosing your baby, sweets have absolutely nothing to do with it... for whatever reason your body simply couldn't hold on... and Endo can have a role in that....

You can make your own chocolate btw, so you can choose the ingredients and pick a sugar that doesn't raise the bloodsugar (as much). Good luck with your diet :)

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to

Thankyou I think I reach for it when I’m not in mood to cook too like a quick fix it’s hard on the diet cause everything is quite fresh I’ve tried bulk cooking but seems I’m always doing it.i used to eat kids food before this wasn’t much into diet. I do take zinc supplements but I’m very on off with them x

Anastasia17 profile image

Hi Afrohair. I believe that craving for chocolate could be attributed to our body asking for magnesium. I avoid normal chocolate, as my body reacts to it, because it contains soya which is bad for endo and helps with the growth of endo. Consequently, I only have either vegan chocolate and I have found an on-line brand that was on Dragon's Den. Their chocolate is really nice with lots of different flavours, they are not over expensive. Otherwise, I get dark chocolate with no milk, soya as my body reacts to it. Just like you when I am desperate, I know I shouldn't have it and eat very dark chocolate with soya and milk, knowing fully that I will be paying for it later on, but sometimes, like you I am tired, my body is demanding extra energy, either because I am already tired or because its brewing a flare up, time of the month, middle of the month,. Your body craving for sugar could be it's way of coping with the extra energy demands that endo puts on our body and anything else that was going on at the time, but you were not aware of at the time. It is the same with PMT before periods where we feel raavenously hungry, craving for chocolate, sweets, etc, it's our body getting ready for the extra demand in energy that it requires. Due to the extra demand placed on our body by endo, I take magnesium glycenate because it is the magnesium that has the maximum absorption by our body, above all as I also have associated IBS with it, which prevents maximal food absorption and further depletes my body proper absorption of nutrients. Don't feel guilty for craving sugar, reduce it, but don't remove it completely as, otherwise, it makes the situation worse. Craving means that uour body is asking for extra energy, you can try to counteract with a banana, smoothies, decaff tea or coffee with a bit of sugar, but I totally understand that it is not easy. I have cut on a lot of foods, but not on sugar, as I am not a big sugar eater and I simply need the energy. Eating/snacking every 2 hours is also a good way to keep the blood sugar levels and minimise the cravings. It is a strategy I have had to adopt as I felt really light headed and weak at work. These are just suggestions, you do what works for you as it's a very unequal condition. Lots of hugs.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Anastasia17

Thanks for the reply it’s so difficult I only now have dark organic 70%

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