Has anyone tried it?
Cbd? Anyone tried?: Has anyone tried it? - Endometriosis UK
Cbd? Anyone tried?

I’m trying it - started this month. Not sure if it works but I’m giving it a go x
Yes it works BUT its important to take a high strength one. in UK only 1200 is available and I managed to get 3600 from States. Make sure its cold pressed and good quality CBD. its essential you check with company how they make their oil. For mine I pay around £300 and yes its expensive but its a good quality (cold pressed plus plant have high CBD in it). It last me for about 2-3 months. People say it doesnt work because they are those people who bought a cheap £20 oil of amazon....You have to invest a good money to get a good oil. Hope that helps x
The herb kingdom in uk do high strengths gold cbd, and run a face book page called cbd questions answered for all advice needed. I use it for my dog and it is brilliant
CBD works wonders. I agree, It needs to be a good quality in order for it to work properly. It's also amazing for bone pain, helps sleep, appetite, pain, skin conditions when applied. The list goes on from A to Z. Blows my mind how well it works for everything!
I've been using it for a couple of months. CBD brothers seem to be a good website with decent strength quality products x
Thank you to everyone who answered. My husband has ordered me some, 35% so we shall see. I start my medically induced menopause this week, I really hope it helps with that.
I really appreciate your time xxxx
Hiya you may have ordered yours already but if ur in the uk check out cbd brothers - that’s where I got mine. I believe it’s working - I think, I feel like the inflammation is going down and it’s cold pressed hemp seed oil as mentioned above. I made a similar post a few months back - cbd/endo/fertility and finally took the plunge after the recommendation xx
Thank you so much.
My husband has ordered some and so far I’ve taken some morning and night. Said it may take a week to start working? Is that about right.