I am currently in the process of completing a job application.
Under the Equal Opportunities section, it states the following:-
Disability is defined by the Equality Act 2010 as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term (at least 12 months) affect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Do you have a disability as defined by the Equality Act?*
Yes. No. Do not wish to declare
Please indicate which category your disability falls within:*
Long standing illness or health condition
If you meet the Essential Criteria would you like to exercise your right to an interview under the Disability Confident scheme?* Yes. No.'
I have had endometriosis for at least 6 years, possibly for decades undiagnosed. In my current role, it generally take me longer to perform tasks, particularly physical tasks. I also get chronic fatigue due to the endo and this can affect my concentration. There was an incident a while ago in which my employer was very unpleasant because I was unable to physically keep up with the other staff (but the extenuating circumstances to that were that I was the only member of the team I worked with who turned up for work and I was expected to be in 6 places at once!) Due to my endo, I currently have reasonable adjustments in place; I reduced the number of work days that I work from 5 to 4.
I find endometriosis such a grey area in the context of the Equality Act 2010 that I just don't know if I would fall into the criteria.
I saw an Occupational Health doctor a while ago who said I was too unwell to work and he believed my endo may fall under the Equality Act 2010. I would say that my endo has affected every area of my life.
My husband and my Mum both think I shouldn't put myself down as disabled. I simply wanted to be transparent to any prospective employers - I am not able to work full time hours, and want to let them know it is because of a long term health condition.
I could select the 'Do not wish to declare' option.
What do you think? Pros and cons? What have you put in job applications?
I am really at a loss as to what to put! Any advice gratefully received.