Citramag!: Hey anyone had to take this... - Endometriosis UK

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•17 Replies

Hey anyone had to take this before their op for bowel prep... experiences please 🙈

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Stresshead24 profile image
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17 Replies

Not that one, but I have done 3 bowel preps (moviprep). I would recommend following a low residue diet for a couple of days before the prep, and take senna or lactulose etc on those days to make sure you are still going to the loo. The last thing you want is to be constipated when you start taking the prep - the best thing is to already be as empty as possible when you start.

Stay near a loo and expect to pass liquid once it starts. Flushable wipes and vaseline/sudocrem are a good idea as you can get sore. Make sure you've got plenty to drink. It doesn't have to be water but it needs to be clear fluids.

You may also find that you feel quite shaky and unwell the morning of the op - the prep can make you feel really washed out - so if you have someone who can take you to the hospital that helps. I did two trips into London on my own on a packed commuter train at half six in the morning for mine, stuff of nightmares, but it was OK in the end.

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to

Thank you. You are brave I'm not letting my husband leave me 🤣 we have a 2 hour drive to the hospital so hoping it will work and be empty before the drive. As long as chocolate is on the low residue diet 😉

in reply to Stresshead24

Didn't have any choice, as the bsge centre is an hour away and we have 2 kids who were too young to be left on their own, and I wanted to keep things as normal as possible for them because they were already frightened enough. I'd be quite happy never to do that train journey again though, especially as the toilets are shut at king's cross at that time in the morning!

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to

🙈 i am told to take it at 6pm the evening before will i be clear by 8am do u think ? 😕

amelialloyd profile image
amelialloyd in reply to Stresshead24

I was still going to the toilet 10 minutes before my op, but they said it was common and wouldn’t be a problem. It’s nothing to worry about though as it has calmed down loads by then if not stopped

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to amelialloyd

Oh gosh... Thank you .. I have a 2 hour car journey to get to the hospital 😕

amelialloyd profile image
amelialloyd in reply to Stresshead24

Not to be graphic.. but by the morning it does ease off to the point where you are in control so I wouldn’t worry! I wish you the very best of luck! Also make sure you have something to read or a game or something while you’re doing the prep to take your mind off it!

missymo profile image
missymo in reply to Stresshead24

Yes.I've had it 3 timespecially & although I was"pooing' it was just clear water for the last hour.x

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to missymo

Thank you... how long did it last from taking the drink? 🤔

missymo profile image
missymo in reply to Stresshead24

To be honest stresshead... mine lasted about 9 hours! But it didn't even start working for 2 hours!! But maybe everyone is different. X

Claireyboots profile image

I had 2 doses the day before my op. 7am and 2pm. Then had to be at hospital at 7am the next day. The first 4 hours after taking each drink were the most ‘eruptive’ . After that it settled right down. I slept fine all night after doing the 2 doses, woke up and still felt the need to go to the toilet but it was more wind than anything else.

Hope all is ok with you.

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to Claireyboots

Thank you... i only have one dose to do ? 6pm the night before surgery... (I'm an afternoon surgery slot) I hope i get some sleep as I'm an emotional wreck without sleep... let alone with surgery nerves 😂

Daisychain222 profile image

Yes, I have had to use it a few times. It works very well. If you have any concerns you may want to call your doctors office. They may suggest you take it a bit earlier due to your long car ride.

Best wishes for your surgery and recovery 💕

Jay_97 profile image

Sorry, it's a bit long:

I had my first colonoscopy last week Thursday (I'm 20) at 11am and done the prep on Wednesday. I had bad diarrhea on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning so I was pretty cleared out already. Or so I thought, haha :D

I followed a plain rice and chicken diet for a couple of days before the prep. On prep day, I skipped breakfast and lunch and drank 2L of apple juice, plus some hot tea (England here) throughout the day. If you want to do any hair removal or "beautification" (washing hair, painting nails, exfoliating... etc) for the doctor visit, do it now because you will not get a chance later. You'll either be weak/tired or pooping. I have PCOS so I am a *hairy* girl, and made a mistake of leaving some hair removal until the last minute (before leaving for the hospital), where my idiot of a brain thought it would be an excellent idea to spread harsh chemicals onto my poor, abused butthole. I may have screamed a little.

Anyway, back to the prep....

I had to take 10 senna tablets at 4pm, then drank the first sachet of Citramag at 5pm. It tasted like really strong fizzy lemon sherbet straws. Try to cool it before drinking it as the hot, sour liquid can make you gag. I had my first bowel movement at 6:15pm and didn't get up from the toilet until 7:30pm. I was supposed to take my second sachet at 7pm but I literally couldn't leave the bathroom. It was like filling one of those squeeze-y honey bottles with water and crushing it in your hand. Tell your family to keep their bathroom visits to the minimum because once you have to go, you WILL go no matter where you are, so maybe wear a pad. I didn't have any accidents but it was perfect for my peace of mind. I drank the second batch at 7:30pm-ish. I went back to the toilet at around 8:20pm. I was on and off until about midnight. I'd be on the toilet for 20-30 minutes, then get about 10 mins of rest and back I went. It was more tedious than anything. Definitely use some sort of cream like Vaseline or Sudocrem as the wiping and later the stomach acid coming out can hurt like crazy!

After midnight, I went maybe once every hour for 20 minutes until 3am, when I could fall asleep on the couch. I woke up at 6am-ish to go again. I was really nervous because it didn't seem to stop, I was going every 15 minutes and we were supposed to leave for the hospital at 10am. I literally went again before we left, and even with the 10-minute car ride, I was worried. If the hospital is far from you, mark some petrol stations in on the map so it's one less thing to worry about if you do have to go. When we got there, I told the nurse I was worried about not being fully empty and that I didn't want to poop all over the doctor. She said that was normal and they have a suction thing in the scope which will remove any liquid left inside me. I had sedation but no gas + air (it wasn't offered and I forgot to ask for it, I was so nervous). I was awake through the whole thing but I actually enjoyed it all. I've always been curious, so that combined with the sedation, I was just super relaxed and having a good time looking at my insides :D

I did feel some pain when he went around the corners and felt some pinching when he took the biopsies, but overall, it was all fine. I don't think I "passed out" at all, I was relaxing for about half an hour with some water and biscuits the nurses got me, then they told me they found nothing unusual so we'll just wait on the biopsies.

I was taken home by my dad after that. Apparently I was babbling a little + had a hard time walking straight but my mind was clear, and I was back to normal after a good nap :))

Hope this helps and good luck!

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to Jay_97

Thank you for replying.... I'm so tired today and doesn't sound like I'll be getting much sleep tonight! I'm taking it in preparation for surgery tomo. It's a 2 hour drive to the hospital in the morning so am not looking forward to the next 24 hrs 😓

On a plus note I have only been given one sachet to take at 6pm ? I'm looking forward to feeling a dress size smaller for 24 hrs tho 😂

Thanks again for the reply and hope your results are ok xx

Jay_97 profile image
Jay_97 in reply to Stresshead24

Oh sorry, didn't notice it was for an operation, not a colonoscopy! I'm guessing they just need you to be empty then, not "squeaky clean", so I'm sure you'll have a shorter reign on your porcelain throne :D

You'll be absolutely fine!

Thank you xx

Stresshead24 profile image
Stresshead24 in reply to Jay_97

Haha I've just added extra soft loo roll to the bathroom ready 🙈

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