Needing a little help :(: A few months ago... - Endometriosis UK

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Needing a little help :(

Evej profile image
7 Replies

A few months ago I had intense abdominal pain whilst I was on my period, it woke me in the middle of the night ,it was borderline unbearable . It was hard to pin point the pain as it was all over my left side and came round onto the back.

I managed to get to the doctors who thought it could be my kidneys and sent me to hospital for scans , they gave me Codine and told me to come back for my scan. Anyway then pain happened again on my next period.

Long story short ultra sound showed a "shadow" on my kidney.

Then the ct scan came back clear.

No stones, no tumours no cysts and also scanned my ovaries which again came up clear.

I had this pain again just as intense last month but luckily had come codine left over to manage it.

I'm dreading my next period because I know I'll be in pain and I can't bare the thought of living like this and I don't know what the next step is or can find anyone going through something similar.

Technally there is "nothing wrong" with me.

On top of this intense pain I have had stronger period cramp pain. The intense pain is always on my left side.

Can anyone relate to this or has had anything similar?

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Evej profile image
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7 Replies
MsDiagnosed profile image

Just because investigations come back clear/ nothing found doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with you.

It sounds as if the pain is different to your normal menstrual discomfort? Pain at this level is not acceptable and should not be viewed as such.

If the pain is consistently in the same area and appears at the same time around your period go back to your GP to discuss further investigations or onward referral. Be assertive with your request - it's too easy to be fobbed off (been there/done that).

Hope all goes well x

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to MsDiagnosed

Yeah I top of this I have just bad but normal period pains. Then this other one. I will go and see the gp tomorrow thank you for taking the time to get back to me xxxx

Michhh profile image

I've had this, it's really scary, i got it to the point i blacked out and collapsed several times. it happens now occasionally but I know the signs as I feel the intense pain and start feeling dizzy and know to sit down. I've had so many scans, internals, bloods and tests done but being treated for endo. Nothing works and codeine is what I take for period pains. I've been advised to ask for a prescription for mefenamic acid but havnt got round to it yet 😩

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to Michhh

Oh. I sounds terrible :(

Is this how you found out something was wrong? Did the pain gradually get worse each time ? I hope you don't mind me asking and thanks so much for getting back to me feels good that someone gets it, because I feel like when I first went to the walk in centre people just didn't believe me I think I'm being dramatic. And I know something isn't right xxx

Michhh profile image
Michhh in reply to Evej

I was already assumed to have endo but havnt had surgery to diagnose it. I was just on various contraceptions to stop my periods. When I finally got my periods to stop this is when I got the problems. After 6 months of no periods I woke up in the night and was rushed to a&e with severe pains. I bled very heavily and was very worried I may have misscarried but was told by a nurse "It's just a period"

The month after the same thing happened again but this time there was no blood, it then disappeared for another 4 months then happened again with no period. I then learnt the signs and basically stop myself from collapsing but Its not usually linked with my period now, just random times and sometimes before or during my period.

It's gotten so bad it affects my sex life (sorry for TMI) but to the point where I've almost passed out cos of the pain during.. .

I took myself off that particular pill and havnt suffered too badly (touch wood it stays this way)

I know something isn't right, but I keep getting fobbed off by doctors basically, and all they want to do is fit the coil.. I also nearly passed out in pain when they tried to fit that!... I just feel like I'm at a loss, I complained to my doctor for a good 8 years before anyone even listened to be and referred me to a specialist 😦.

Gonna keep going without the pill though and hope everything stays calm...

Evej profile image
Evej in reply to Michhh

Oh no it sounds so serious I can't even imagine what your dealing with. Would you ever push to get surgery to prove it ? Because anything could be going on in there and if they could physically see it they might take more action like surjury to remove tissue. I feel like after all these years they haven't really done much, yours sounds so server but your treatment sounds so mild, I'm clearly not a dr and truthfully don't have a clue about any of this it's just what I feel .

I really hope you manage to get yourself sorted and have a worry free life xxx

Michhh profile image
Michhh in reply to Evej

My next step is to push for the larascopy! Ive tried everything theyve asked me to, so its the only thing left. But You Should definitely keep pushing to get to the bottom of your pain too. We're all in this together, and unfortunately we live in a world where if you can't see wounds people think they dont really exist. You know when something isn't right with yourself though so keep pushing and keep plodding along the best you can. Xxx

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