Does anyone suffer from FIBROIDS?
FIBROIDS : Does anyone suffer from FIBROIDS? - Endometriosis UK

Hi Hun - I think I'm supposed to have a small one. Do you get a lot of pain with them?
Yes constant pelvic and lower back pain. I find some movements have been restricted too even standing up straight can be painful. Do u find that to?
I've got two less than 5cm. I'll be honest unless they're big, they won't operate even if cause discomfort.Fibroids are nearly always benign and very common in fact by age 50 nearly all women have them/had them!and the trouble is,they grow back!unless you have a hysterectomy. Unlike endo, which can come back after hysterectomy.
Hi I've recently had excision for endo and a myomectomy to remove two large fibroids (one was 12cm and another was 6cm). The consultant told me that I had lots of fibroids but he'd focus on the two biggest, because if her tried to remove them all there'd be nothing left of my uterus to stitch back up.
12 weeks later and the discomfort has returned. I don't know if it's the fibroids that remain or something else that's the cause of the pain.
Your consultant could prescribe Esmya, a tablet which shrinks them down. I was completely pain free when I took it.
I have been told I have fibroids but yet too have find out how many or how big. Some days are not too bad but most days I can't believe how tired I'm feeling even though I'm not getting heavy periods and not aneimic also as well as the usual pain and discomfort. Is it the same with you?
Hello, yes I was diagnosed in 2012 at the time I was told by my doctor once I reached the menopause they would go. I now have small fibroid's on my uterus and one around 5cm, I had 3 months of Esmya with good results in terms of no bleeding and an improvement in cyclical IBS symptoms. The IBS caused terrible tummy, back and hip pain. On occasions I had to hold my tummy when I walked and couldn't sit for any length of time before the pain got to bad. I am now on a 4-6 month course of Prostap injected every 4-6 weeks. This has stopped the bleeding but the IBS symptoms has returned and is as bad. I am now waiting for a laparoscopic removal of ovaries to induce the menopause. I'm think of having HRT for the pain.
I'm 20 yrs old and have endo along with a growing fibroid.. I had a laparoscopy but it was just diagnostic and am going to start zoladex injections to shrink both because my doc is worried about fertility later on. I have a lot a pain doing normal activities but don't know which one it stems from or if it's both.