Conception : Is anyone else trying for a... - Endometriosis UK

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Lucy26 profile image
9 Replies

Is anyone else trying for a baby whilst having endometriosis? Wish I knew more answers!!

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Lucy26 profile image
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9 Replies
Rockflower profile image

Yes, we have been trying for nearly 5 years. In that time we have tried naturally and had fertility treatment. 2x IUI cycles, IVF and a couple of frozen embryo transfers.

We didn't know about the endo until we did IVF. I managed to get naturally pregnant not long after our IVF cycle failed, but sadly miscarried at about 5 weeks. Also had two positive blood tests after both my frozen cycles, but again these turned quickly into very early miscarriages (all three would be classes a a chemical pregnancies as so early)

just had a lap to remove a cyst and endo and I'm on decapeptyl injections for 3 months before going back to use our last frozen embryos in another attempt. we don't have any other fertility issues, but Iooking into reasons as to why I don't stay pregnant.

I don't know if the endo actually is why we're are not getting pregnant or not. With ivf everything works and it's the implantation stage that seems to fail..... Or we are just really unlucky.

How long have you been trying? Or is it early days? I wish you luck x

Lucy26 profile image
Lucy26 in reply to Rockflower

Ah thank you, I am so very lucky and already have a daughter who is 3, it only took 4 months of trying & this time it's been two years trying so far, we went to the doctors and discovered I have endometriosis and my husband has low sperm count sadly, now I don't know what to do or where to start we don't qualify for any help as we already have one child & Ivf is so much money I don't know what to do, do I rush to have Ivf because of the endometriosis? Do I wait? How have you coped with all the heartache? X x

87Ballerina profile image
87Ballerina in reply to Lucy26

Me and my husband have started trying last month, no luck yet, but feel your worry too. I have moderate endometriosis,been told to try for 6 months first before they dotests. Frustrating tho as had lap in Oct to diagnose, wish they could of looked then! Good luck 'll xx

Lucy26 profile image
Lucy26 in reply to 87Ballerina

Ah no, such a shame they make you wait so long, I have had blood tests to check I'm ovulating, had internals, cameras, swabs and also had my tubes checked with a blue dye whilst having my laparoscopy last month. My husband has low sperm so it have no idea where this leaves me now. Do I go for ivf or will this be too much heartache. I'm worried if I leave it too long the endometriosis will have grown back and maybe stop Ivf working I have no idea. Maybe you could get a fertility monitor to give you an idea of you 6 best fertile days to boost your chances of pregnancy? X x

Starstellar7 profile image
Starstellar7 in reply to Rockflower

Flowerpotts, have you researched about your immune response. I was doing some reading about how endo increased our immune response. That some endo sufferers have 'killer cells' that attack sperm and might also prevent an egg from staying put. I think there is a test they can do for this.

Good luck xx

StacyP21 profile image

I am in a similar position to you. Had severe endo, on 2nd lap had majority of endo removed but have some still left on bowel which I'm having excised next month with my endo surgeon and bowel surgeon. I had 2 icsi cycles after first lap which both failed after transfer as still had so much endo. My third icsi was private and better after second laporoscopy but failed again to implant. They think the remaining endo could be affecting implantation.

I'm going to speak to my clinic about nk cells as read it could be affecting implantation.

It's such a frustrating and disheartening process. I just want the endo off my bowel to end the pain and hopefully help fertility.

I've on a reduced red meat, gluten free and caffeine free diet which has helped with pain.

Ask about your FSH and AMH counts as they can also indicate how things are?

Good luck x

Linzielou33 profile image

Hi my husband and I have been trying for 18 months with no joy. I have mild endometriosis, my left tube is totally blocked and I have a large cyst on my right ovary. My husband has low motility and low morphology. We have been to our fertility clinic who want to test him again at the end of Jan and then we are going back in Feb to get his test results and to make a decision on IVF. Its quite scary and we both have been trying to stay positive. We have no other children and are at the point in our marriage where its the next step we can't wait for. Our clinic have been very helpful and have said even with our issues 'never say never' and 'miracles do happen when you least expect it'. I know these are the standard clichés and you get fed up hearing them, (from personal experience). Wishing you all the best! Can I ask have they given you anything for the endo? It was suggested I should go back on the pill but obviously have refused at the moment as I am trying for a baby.


Lucy26 profile image
Lucy26 in reply to Linzielou33

I feel your pain I'm almost in the same position although as you will think I'm so so lucky to have my little girl. I have been given pain relief for the endo but it doesn't even touch the side. I haven't even been give the results of my laparoscopy yet but know i had a substantial amount of endo. Don't know where to go from here. Too many questions. What are our changes of Ivf working? I don't know how much more emotional strain I can take or heartache when will it end? X x

Linzielou33 profile image

I feel the same I'm not sure how effective IVF is with endo. Counting down the weeks until my appointment in Feb. Sending you <3 the strain and heartache is exhausting. xx

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