Hi all I'm o. Tramadol. An oramorph for t... - Endometriosis UK

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Hi all I'm o. Tramadol. An oramorph for the pain when it really bad but sacred of getting addicted but the doctor didn't seem worried x

claire11 profile image
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kitten-feet profile image

morning Claire, I've been on and off tramadol for endo pain now for past 6 year, ATM I'm on full dose plus paracetamol, and metefemic acid think that how it's spelt drs gave me an anti depressant to break down me using tramadol soo much for pain but I have endo/PCOS and adhesions everywhere quite literally. the anti depressants made me trip out and vomit so I stopped them after few days :/ I'm awaiting op to remove endo n have part of my bowl removed also as the ba5tard things in there too sorry for my language but I'm soo fed up :( been bed ridden for past three weeks now! trust me if drs have given u tramadol for pain take it! for me it's the only thing that works:( I've been advised that after op due to being on the highest dose possible il have to gradually ween off it.. I know it can be hard getting your head around putting all these different chemicals into ur body, but trust me I've got to a point where il take anything to stop the pain... I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end when I've got my baby in my arms.. I do have some side effects with tramadol most common ones are irregular sleep patterns, uncontrollable itching( I use a piriton to stop that though) find it hard to poop at times to but think that's due to endo in bowl aswel as trammies! have u tried the endo diet before mine got so bad I found that the diet worked wonders for me :) you can get recipie books off eBay n amazon. yoga helps too when I'm not bed ridden lol stretching the muscles around ur abdomin and pelvic area helps retract pain sounds hippy like n crazy talk but it works! I got to the point I'd try anything just to feel normal n pain free... sorry for the long reply been up since 2am n I'm bord stuff hope this helps if u need to talk pm me on here :) I'm not doing much ATM lol x

Lilly83 profile image


I have been on max dose of tram, oramorph and naproxen, I came off codeine but that was my choice, I have come off my meds several times to do an ivf cycle and had no issues coming off them, I know everyone's different though. I'm on a butrans patch now, like a morphine patch, must better than oramorph I think x

AlexR profile image

I have been on tramadol, solpadol, ibroprufen and now zantac to coat stomach also got an anti spasm/cramp tablet (they dont help) been on these for 4years plus im not addicted i can run out and im fine just loads of pain.

courtmk profile image

my son in law is on 15x50mg twice a day he is an addict, we are running out of time here please advice anyone. we need help

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