After the continued struggled after hsv encephalitis my neurology Dr refered me to weight management as after the hospital and during recovery phase my weight went up drastically, it was just a off chance during a phone consultation check up I mentioned weight, hopefully it's the guidance on the path to get it back under control in some extent
Weight: After the continued struggled... - Encephalitis Inte...
Hi HC1, It's great that you are being offered support with managing your weight.
When you have been through such a difficult time, controlling weight is the last thing to keep a check of.
My experience is that with the fatigue it is difficult to move as much as we used to. I have a lot of weight to lose but feel in the right head space to do so now.
Wishing you the best with this
I really sympathise. I just kept putting on weight after E. It’s because as Green Bamboo said, you’re too tired to move or exercise but you’re still hungry and in my case comfort eating stuff I never would have considered before like cream cakes!! I was lucky in a backhanded way in that because of the internal rash from E I got colisytitis which put me on a crash diet and has left me very intolerant to dairy. Not much fun at the time although I’m used to it now and definitely not a route I’d recommend!!
Really hope you can get some good useful help. It’s so hard, especially with a small baby to look after! Good luck.
I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who has gain weight after the big E. I’m a caregiver and I don’t have the energy to walk like I used to.
I am being to walk again but I’m just tired most of the time. I think it’s more mental fatigue.
I am due for my yearly physical soon and I will have my thyroid check out.
Thanks for sharing. It gives me such comfort to know I’m not alone out here.