Good morning all hope we’re keeping well , After a good 2 month of occupational health meetings and neuro physcology meetings progress has improved, both my doctors are now starting to think about how to progress things to allow me to return to work in some capacity, moving forward slowly which is good, medication is still random for sure , after developing constant nausea and sickness from omeprazole I spoke to my own local doctor again and out come is as this stop taken omeprazole as I want to get a camera down to have a look and see what’s happening so need to be off omeprazole a minimum of 2 weeks so was prescribed famotidine 20mg as a replacement 2 taken daily morning and evening, and to also provide a stool sample , practically on first name terms at the pharmacy now , I guess it could be worse , at least I have the fortunate luck of having a gp who actually acts on your symptoms, she calls weekly for a quick chat and to see how I am doing , can honestly say though since being discharged from hospital the level of care from my local gp and brain injury unit occupational health and neuro phsycology has been amazing and really could not ask for anything else
Encephalitis update gp’s and after care - Encephalitis Inte...
Encephalitis update gp’s and after care

Hi HC, glad to hear things are moving along. When things improve it starts to feel like something is getting better. It's worth keeping a close eye on side effects. One or two things I thought were Enc-based turned out to be side effects from the medication. To some extent we're guinea pigs as our condition is quite rare.Best Wishes, G2
You really are lucky with your gp. My poor doctor had never heard of HSE and had no idea what to do! So pleased to hear you’re making progress. As we all know, steady and slow but each upward step feels good.
Hi there,
It's great you have such a supportive GP! I'd say its really hard managing all the different medications and the side effects but having that support from your GP must help with it.
It sounds like the aftercare you have received has been amazing!
What would be the most important piece of advice you'd give to someone who has just been discharged from the hospital?
Good afternoon , hope your good, If I had to give advice to anyone, I’d say the most important thing is to take it easy with yourself and take your time, things do improve slowly, and talking about things helps, I found that one out the hard way ,