Greetings from Chichester. I had herpes simplex encephalitis in 2009. I am working at a school and uni now - albeit on a rota basis now with the pandemic. I just wanted to say hi to everyone - Jonathan
Greetings: Greetings from Chichester. I... - Encephalitis Inte...

I had herpes simplex encephalitis in 2018. It was a severe and probably second attack as first one I thought was just flu. I’m one of the lucky ones too in that I have almost recovered even from a second attack due to our amazing local hospital. Do you still have issues with fatigue and head pressure when you’ve overdone things?
I do have some issues with fatigue - I keep pretty busy with the family and my work. I suppose memory issues have been my biggest challenge -mercifully they have continued to improve even years later. I am very pleased you were well looked after - I went to St Richard’s Hospital in Chichester where we live. I had been in intensive care and woke up in another ward thinking - what am I doing here ?
This is really encouraging to know there is still some improvement to come. I do feel like I take small steps forward. And me too! I only lost a couple of days with small memories like the lumbar puncture! But it was weird waking up to a different world. And although I had three seizures, the last one being quite long, again I have been lucky they didn’t recur. Thank you for replying.
Hi spicekin, I also have had Herpes Simplex Encephalitis back in 1977, and I also was in an ICU for six weeks, apparently I had flu symptoms, a headache, a fever and vomitting. Luckily I don't recall it because I was too young -
but I had entirely different after effects to you.. It's a long story but you can read my posts to give you more insight to what I have been suffering from throughout my life.
I DO understand how difficult it is for you, I also sympathize with you a LOT!! I am SO sorry to hear that you had it twice. Awh?
I am pleased to hear that you are naking steady progress with your memory issues though.
Hi Jonathan, I have also had Herpes Simplex Viral Encephalitis when I was 1, it was just after my birthday party I took ill the next day after being passed around like babies do. Apparently I was shaking which turned out to be my first seizure, I had a high temperature, flu symptoms, headache, and wasn't taking my bottle so my mum called the GP out who suspected meningitis so I was rushed to hospital for allsorts of blood tests all of which were ok, I was then transferred to another hospital in Chester for the day while I had all my scans and a Lumbar Puncture which then confirmed I had Emcephalitis and "severe epilepsy" at the same time. There was no anti-viral therapy out in those days, so I was teeated with antibiotics and anti-epilepsy mediication one was diazepam 'valium' the other was tegretol' and another one until I was ten, at which time the specialists said that the valium was addictive and had to take me off it which they did during that six weeks I was in hospital until they changed them to a new combination which in time started kicking in, 1 year free then four years then another four years then none at all in 1994 and have had none since. I have never suffered from fatigue headaches etc but I do understand and sympathize with you though. After my seizures stopped I was struck down with severe OCD and I have had treatment for it on and off over the last 20 odd years and I am on a waiting list for more CBT. I always struggled with paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks, even anger. Problems knowing what to say and what not to say and sometimes embarrassing consequences but I am now more aware of them now, so I have to "really " think about it first or write it down in advance. Problems with keeping up with conversation, using the wrong words, iniating a conversation because this is where I 'get stuck' a lot, not knowing what to say. Talking to strangers has always been the worst I dometimes 'get stuck' not being able to finish off my sentences.However I avoided it at all costs but I'm not too bad with people who know me and vice versa. I am improving now though. I hope this helps you.
Thank you ! I have just returned from a cycle ride with one of our sons
That's good then.