Well all has been going good since last update, my last mail scan showed improvement from the one before the left over swelling is reducing slowly but assured its normal and expected. Taken the slow approach back to driving since the all clear from doctor and dvla just timing things so I miss the rush hour traffic. Fitness has been increasing walking alot further in a quicker time and some weight training is helping with the stress anxiety somewhat, still have lovely teeth clenching due to stress and anxiety dental mouth guard for nights is helping some, but have the lovely pain in ears and some recently over last 2 days headaches like a burning sting type at back of head at top which I am putting down to the clenching of the teeth and jaw, still 2 covid vaccines down and last week the flu vaccine now have the covid booster in December 13th , starting to get sick of needles now this year iv been like a pin cushion, as for the recent headache starting I am trying not to think about the encephalitis thing as I do have a mild nausea feeling a couple times each day but my acid reflux has been playing up and not sure of the famotidine is not coping with it now as a few times iv had the lovely gurgle backdraft in throat , and this whole still trying to claim benefits of some kind somi can get some form of money to help me till I can get back to work is an absolute joke the form was brutal to fill in for sure dwp have a lot to answer for and just now like every other organisation from government is blaming covid, to some extent yes I believe it is a factor to some , on a bright note now engaged to my partner after so long not sure who is more happy her or her friends and her dad said its about time
An update rant apologies in advance - Encephalitis Inte...
An update rant apologies in advance

Hi HeavyChunky1,I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling too good.
I can relate to having ab acid reflux playing up when I'm extremely anxious - it's not very nice but I try to avoid my anxiety triggers but with OCD like I have it's far from easy to avoid, but there again avoidance doesn't help either. It is ok to 'take time out' and have a bit of quiet tends to help a flare up of acid reflux also have a drink of water next to you or take some out with you if you are going out. Maybe some CBT might help.
Good luck with your booster jab next month.🤞
Good morning , you good , think this time of year doesn't help either the weird weather changes and darker nights . The whole acid reflux thing is probably the worst for making me feel funky from sore throat to hard to swallow just by the irritation, when I was in hospital they started me on omeprazole ppi and few month later my own doctor changed to h2 blockers famotidine as the omeprazole was doing a number on my insides. They do work great ill admit but at times the acid just bubbles up then its onto the pepcid anti acid liquid to help , which it does do in stopping the burn in throat
I think everyone is now getting to the point of sick of getting vaccines , times I feel like I'm done with needles. But see if this all helps us get back to a normal living then I guess I'm game for it, as for how things are just now isn't a normal life every area has got different rules over everything ,
Congratulations on your engagement! Happy, happy times ahead!
Congratulations on your engagement. And sympathies with your struggles. Even though we know we are better than before, sometimes the times when we slide back for a bit seem harder somehow. I’ve just had flu and booster. Usual side effects. Nothing more. Phew! Also, even over 3 years later it doesn’t take a lot to make me scared encephalitis is coming back. A temperature and very dizzy head (one of my left over effects) can send me spinning right back, especially if I have a cold sore. However I do know it is really unlikely to happen and the further alway you are from the first event the better. November affects me badly as well. Change of season, and heavy dark days give me headaches. Long reply but I do hope you get money sorted soon. A worry you don’t need. Take care. Be kind to yourself.
Good morning, hope your well, regarding the vaccines the only one iv really had any side affects from was the 2nd dose of the Pfizer, I know what you mean the slightest pain headache or warmish feeling or Coldsore makes us think the worst , think its just that it brings back the weird memories of how the encephalitis started and the mind goes into over drive at times even though its most likely nothing, its the whole try not to dwell and think about it but we all know that is easier said than done most of the time, guess we can all take comfort in knowing the worst part is long over and done with just the lovely after affects that we have all been left with, in some way .
So agree. It is lovely talking to people who understand!

Hi HeavyChunky1,
We are sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. On a positive note we are happy to hear that you are back on the road driving, that is fantastic news! If you require any assistance completing DWP forms please do not hesitate to contact us on support@encephalitis.info, our support team can help you.
A massive congratulations on your engagement. Hopefully everything goes well with your COVID booster next month.
Hi there!
First of all congratulations on your engagement! That is amazing news and I'm so delighted for you and your partner! Lots to look forward to and be excited about!
I completely understand and relate to everything you have mentioned,such as the clenching of your teeth (affects me too and keeps my partner up at night hearing me grind my teeth!), the headaches, and trying to claim benefit was a nightmare for me! I got rejected twice for it to be a mistake but the energy it took to follow it up was exhausting. All I can say was getting help from my GP, family and partner really helped.
I love to join the calls with the encephalitis society, it really helps me to connect with others going through similar things.
I hope it helps you to know you aren't on your own!