Hi, my daughter had encephalitis from the HSV1 virus aged 3. She is now 7 and having a lot of issues with learning to read and write at school which I think must be related as she had significant word finding difficulties after she was first ill (this is much improved now). Does anyone else have experience of children having issues with learning at school post encephalitis and any suggestions of what we can try? Thank you.
issues with reading and writing - Encephalitis Inte...
issues with reading and writing

Hi Lilster79,
I had the same diagnosis as your daughter the day after my first birthday. I could tell the te when I was 4 and I was capable of doing mainstream schoolwork but I was sent to special needs school because I fell off a climbing frame when I was 5 at my first school that was mainstream. I banged my head and was unconscious so I was rushed to hospital then apparently there was a debate what school for me to go to. I ended up in special needs education anyway. I could read, write, spell draw, add up etc but the other children couldn't do half of that so when I was 9 or 10 I felt like I was in nursery school because the kids I was with were backward learners. I think I might have been a little bit slower at reading than average but if I had have had extra time that could have helped me but unfortunately in those days nobody knew what the after effects of encephalitis were, nor did anyone know what it was bar from the doctor who diagnosed me (after that nobody else knew what it was) while I was at school. I'I'm glad there is far much more help out there for yourself and your daughter now than there was in my day, my parents got no help whatsoever because it just wasn't there. I think I most probably would have been better off in a mainstream school myself but it was because of my status epilepticus I was put there with all the bullies. ☹️
My processing speed has always been lastl and a short attention span. I only found this our two years ago which is absolutely disgusting in my opinion.
Has your daughter had a neuropsychological assessment? I hadnt 'had one until two years ago. ☹️
I sincerely hope you get the best help for your daughter. Does she go to a special needs or mainstream school?
Please feel free to ask me any questions anytime as I'm always here to help.
The Encephalitis Society charity offers a lot of guidance for parents of children with encephalitis . It’s definitely worth speaking to one of their advisors, as they’ll know what educational support is available for her .
They also offer “Encephalitis in Children: A Guide”, which has a section on going to school after having had encephalitis.
Hopefully this link will work. If not, they can send you a paper copy :
Good evening Lilster 79
So sorry to hear about your daughters difficulties , sorry , but if you’ve not done this already is to contact your daughters school Senco all schools have one , the senco should be looking at ways to support your daughter and applying for an EHCP ( education health care plan) best wishes
Hi Lister ,
I should also have mentioned the Encephalitis Society have online meetings for parents of children affected by encephalitis. You might find this useful ? The meetings are on:
Tuesday 21st February, 6-7pm
Wednesday 22nd March, 6-7pm
Wednesday 26th April, 6-7pm
They would definitely welcome you . 😊
Hi, thanks for this, we are in New Zealand so the times might be tricky but good to know that there are groups we could join.