I was thinking about refurbishing my room to remove all shelving or anything that accumulate loads of dust, anyone else has done that? Does it help? I have asthma.
Eliminate dust from my room?: I was thinking about... - EFA
Eliminate dust from my room?
As an asthmatic myself, I can confirm the less dust present in my home, the easier I breathe. While dust never gave me issues when I was younger, I did develop an allergy to dustmites over time and now being in a dusty place causes my asthma to give me the most problems.
While I can't speak from experience on this, it seems to me if you have a lot of dust now refurbishing could be an option to prevent development of a dustmite allergy (which can trigger asthma, like in my case). Otherwise, just making sure you open the windows to allow for sufficient movement of air can help should you not have a serious pollen allergy.
If you have asthma problems already, and you do not know if dust provokes it, you can have a test with an allergy specialist or a blood test with your general practitioner which could confirm this. However, I will leave it to other patients to say if refurbishing has helped them.
You can't 100% get rid of it but you could buy a dehumidifier and an air purifier, dust likes humidity as much as mold does, they're expensive but worth if if you have a bad allergy to dust.