I was recently diagnosed with NAFLD and was wondering if anyone else with EDS has experienced these co-morbid disease?
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and... - The Ehlers-Danlos...
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and Ehler Danlos syndrome
Hi! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis
In all the reading/ researching I have done since my EDS diagnosis I have never seen anything about this as a comorbidity.
How did you end up with a diagnosis if you don’t mind me asking?
I was told about 5yrs ago when having a scan of my abdomen that I had a slightly fatty liver. I don’t drink so I was really shocked! I was diagnosed with hEDS this year.. Perhaps there is a connection?
Hi - my daughter now 26 and diagnoses with EDS hypermobility in April was earlier (2014) diagnosed with non alcoholic liver disease. All the best Charlotte
There is a saying called Hickam's Dictum: Patients can have as many diseases as they damn well please.
Comorbidity doesn't mean that the conditions are related. they can be, and they can certainly affect each other, but they are also stand alone conditions that are separate to the primary condition.
For instance someone might have asthma, type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis. They would be considered to be co-morbid to each other, but they are not caused by each other nor are they caused by a single underlying condition. But they would affect each other, for instance it might be hard to exercise with the osteoarthritis which could mean it was difficult to lose weight which might make the diabetes better.
As Welshie has said, non-fatty liver disease isn't related to EDS.
Same diagnosis for me.
Yes. I have NAFDL and a cyst and on both my liver and kidney. I have Classical EDS and many comorbidities.
I have EDS and had been diagnosed with NAFLD. Always with colesterol levels high no matter what I eat.
Yes, it’s a comorbidity. Last year I had to go to a hematologist for iron deficiency. She ordered the ultra sound of my liver and it came back fatty liver. She said it is linked to eds. I asked for literature to show me where it says it’s linked...but she didn’t provide it.
I was diagnose many years ago, always have issues with colesterol.
I have read that there can be a genetic connection between those with EDS and Celiac Disease. Celiac can cause a NAFL. You might want to be checked for Celiac (blood testing) as you could have it without obvious symptoms as of yet.
Good luck!
I have both NAFLD and hEDS. There seem to be too many with this comorbidity to be a coincidence
Me too. Diagnosed NAFLD years before hEDS.
I have Hemachromatosis,Hashimots, Classic/Hypermobile EDS to mention a fewIt took 20 years to be diagnosed. anyway Dr just told me my kidney levels were off and my liver is fatty. He kept talking to me about not drinking and stop eating fatty foods. I’m 5’7” 145 ( the most I’ve weighed without being pregnant) I rarely have more than 2 drinks because I dehydrate easily and that’s not often(raised by a violent alcoholic) and I’ve always tried to eat well so I when I started looking up fatty liver the disease all of the information I’ve been finding pretty much says you drink to much or you eat like your going to the electric chair. So I searched fatty liver and EDS and here I am my MD admitted he didn’t know to much about EDS at all, so after 20 years finally got diagnosed and now hitting a wall again. maybe by the time my daughter 21 (who I believe has Eds too) is my age they will have done studies and come up with plan of treatment. I could go on and on but I’m pretty sure most of you on here understand my frustration.
Well I don’t know if is related to EDS, but I do have fatty liver diagnosed in my 20s. My colesterol levels are always high, no matter what I do.