I'm new here and currently undiagnosed... - EDMESH


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I'm new here and currently undiagnosed...

princessmia5 profile image
5 Replies

Hi, I'm hoping I can use this forum as a sounding board. I have been advised by my work GP that based on the symptoms I have described and that i have had various tests with a negative outcome (with the exception of low foliate -B12). She signed me off for 2 weeks from yesterday and has advised me to go back to my own GP and push back. My GP said last week when I went that I'm depressed!

Long story short...

I had major surgery in November and I approached my doctor prior to the surgery to say that I was worried my mood would dip during my recovery. I was put on Citalopram 20mg. As time went on I felt I wasn't getting 'out of the bit' so I went back and she raised them to 30mg. I didn't take them for a few weeks as I didn't buy into it but I started to feel things were getting on top of me and submitted. That was weeks ago. When I went back last week she told me to up them to 40mg!

In the past 4-6 months I've noticed my energy levels peak and trough, I have a few good days and then 2/3 bad. I feel during those bad days I'm wearing a lead suit, I can barely move, I'm physically exhausted and can barely concentrate. I'm extremely unproductive at work and home. I've always been extremely proud, now I can barely get showered when these bad days come. I'm driving to work and I'm terrified - I can barely keep my eyes open. I have to sleep when I get parked and go out and sleep in the car at lunchtime. My concentration is terrible. I frequently lose my chain of thought and at times it's like I'm frozen, no words come out and no reactions can be made.

I go to bed exhausted, I wake up a few hours later and I'm wide awake for an hour or so. I frequently have headaches and if I go to bed with them I generally wake up with them too. I wake up sore with a pain across my chest and my hips and shoulders ache. It's important to say after numerous tests I've also been diagnosed as having IBS.

So I'm looking for your thoughts. I know this is random and I can only be diagnosed by a clinician. But I wondered if this sounded familiar to anyone elses experience?

Thanks in advance x

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princessmia5 profile image
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5 Replies
ukmsmi4 profile image

Hi princessmia5 .

Has someone actually suggested that you have ME or CFS? Or is that what you yourself are wondering? If so what is it that makes them or you suspect ME or CFS?

As you say we cannot diagnose here as we are not professionals. That said many people on this kind of forum have conditions that mean they have had to do a lot of research in their quest to find their own answers as the medical profession does not always provide them.

The symptoms you describe could be one of a number of things including depression and B12 deficiency.

Do you have any other symptoms?


ME65 profile image

Hi. Your symptoms do sound very similar to what those with ME experience. And you can have depression and ME at the same time. I take escitalopram which is a more refined version of citalopram. Whenever I have tried to cut down the dose because I am feeling so well in my mood I get intense anxiety so I have accepted that this is a condition I have which is seperate from the ME. From your post it looks to me as if your doctor is determined to only see your symptoms as depression so has just kept increasing the dose of antidepressants. As you probably know, 40mg is the top dose and if despite this your symptoms are not improving I would suggest going back and asking her if she thinks you could have ME/CFS. Meanwhile I recommend keeping a daily diary of your symptoms, what you think, if anything, has flared them up and how you are struggling from day to day. This will help you to present a very clear picture of what you are experiencing.

Wishing you lots of luck xx

mitty999 profile image

Hello there. I have had ME for many years and am extremely ill, stuck in bed and very weak indeed. I have studied MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS for many years and have spoken to numerous specialists. Firstly , you must realise that ME and CFS are NOT under any circumstances the same disease. Chronic Fatigue occurs with many illnesses, Polio, RA, Lupus and many more. ME is not in any way a psychiatric illness. It needs rest as it involves the brain and other organs. This includes the HEART and Lowers the volume of blood in the body by up to 50%. Due to this there is not enough Oxygen reaching your organs. When we use organs we need extra oxygenated blood : ME causes this to only occur in small amounts, your organs are screaming out for OXYGEN. And you feel like death naturally. Please rest until you are sure of your diagnosis. I would say you may well have ME, it sounds as though you do . ME is easy to diagnose......it is the only known disease that causes severe repercussions after exercise. And exercise does not have to be strenuous, even reading is exercise. Usually the awful painful period occurs 24 - 48 hours after exercise, you may not be able to do much at all during this time.

Your Doctor may well disagree with what I am saying. However , it is 100% true. Just log onto the HUMMINGBIRDS` FOUNDATION. All you need to know that is true. Beware of false diagnosis.

Many doctors are encouraged to mis-diagnose ME as chronic fatigue . It is in many governments` interests to brush ME under the carpet. It is more common than Breast Cancer, but glossed over to save money. I agree that keeping a diary is an excellent idea. You must be prepared to fight for your LIFE.

in reply to mitty999

Hi how're you

Brendanaylor profile image

Sounds like my symptoms diagnosed as fibromyalgia ask to see a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis

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