Hi, I am new here. I have had ME for 20 years. I work full time but still get incredibly sleepy. I am hoping that a vitamin might help me to stay awake for longer ! Any advice on what has worked for people ?
Vitamins ? : Hi, I am new here. I have had ME for 2... - EDMESH
Vitamins ?

Hi HVR- SWAN, I don't know of anything specifically vitamin wise that can make you stay more wakeful. Magnesium is suggested to help with fatigue. I take this along with plenty of foods rich in magneisum which generally have alot of general health benefits too. I'm not sure whether you have any food intolerances so for me its been trial and error and research combined. I eat at regular intervals during the day to ensure my energy levels stay as
constant as possible but somedays the fatigue wins the battle. I wish you well.
Here in Cardiff there is a woman who has beaten fatigue by studying diet very carefully and she will give you advice on the best things for you to eat and drink to increase your energy, but this is provided privately, so there is a cost, but well worth trying. Let me know if you want to know more and I can put you in touch. There are other ideas such as raw foods and juicing and you can find these methods in books.
All the best,
Best advice is not to take vitamins until you've had your vitamin levels checked.
B12 deficiency or pernicious anaemia is often confused with and misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome. It's imperative though that b12 isn't taken until all blood tests are done and reported on by the doctor as a single high dose tablet can mess up blood tests for months.
It's not standard practice to check b12 with a suspicion of ME so don't presume it's been tested.
I read you need levels over 500pg to feel healhy and over 1000pg to begin to heal damage.
Certain gut infections and medications can reduce b12 absorption too.