Hi, I'm new to this forum. I've had M.E. for about 21 years. Got it after having glandular fever. I tried loads of things to help myself over the years and eventually improved a bit (went from having severe to moderate M.E.) with CBT, remedial yoga, walking, pacing and healthy diet. But now I feel like I'm going back to how I was years ago and am struggling doing everything. I have relapses frequently but I'm just not picking up from this one at all and I don't know why. Has this happened to anyone else?
Has anyone improved a bit then got worse? - EDMESH
Has anyone improved a bit then got worse?
I'm in contact with a lot of people who have ME and it really varies so much. I've heard of people's condition improving and then getting worse again. Gaining years is sometimes difficult as everything is also slowing down in general. Have you tried getting a personal diet through a person who looks at your needs and ways to increase energy. I know a woman who does this, as it is so specific it is private, so you'd need to pay her, but she is good. She's based in the Cardiff area, if you want to know more. Let me know and I'll introduce you. Or there are other things such as juicing or raw food diets described in books.
Make sure you get plenty of rest and don't try to push your body trying to tell it that it could do so much better. That is counterproductive as your mind is constantly telling your body off instead of allowing it to rest when it is crying out for a break.
Whereabouts in the UK do you live? I'm in Wales. M