CFS is not a disease at all. Many illnesses have severe fatigue as a symptom, like Polio, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many more. However we don`t call Polio" Chronic Fatigue". ME. starts as a virus similar to Poliomyelitis and there is strong evidence to suggest it causes brain damage. Specialists in the USA point out that in nearly every case absolute enforced rest is by far the safest route and results in the fastest recovery. Exercise of any kind is the worst possible thing you can do, only to exacerbate the condition.
In fact there are cases where the patient has died due entirely to over-exercise. ME causes potential damage to occur to most organs in the body. There is strong evidence to show that the mitochondria are damaged or reduced and this, in affecting the heart does not allow enough oxygenated blood to reach the organs of our bodies, hence the orthostatic stress often involved. The very worst thing you can do is to exercise, hence the terrible failure of this approach called "pacing " in the US. But in order to receive financial benefit people are forced to participate, and thousands are getting worse and worse.
More research is needed to find the real answer to what this disease actually is.
There are different degrees of ME. I myself, am bed- bound and have been for two years. If I even attempt an hour or so watching the television I hit an invisible wall and become very ill indeed. I know of cases where people have taken hours to make it to the bathroom and hours to get back with a lengthy stay in the bathroom to rest enough to get enough energy to return.
There are cases where a degree of exercise has helped to an extent, but these are probably very mild cases. I cannot stress enough the danger of exercise without the presence of fully trained medical staff.
I have studied many papers written by specialist research groups all over the world. There is so much more to read as I believe it is up to the patient to diagnose themselves and make their own decisions about this terrible decease , as very little is taught in medical schools about ME.
So much can be done by following a strict diet and taking supplements to make up for the shortfall this illness causes to the body. And then, there is the pain. It is so excruciating in many cases that hospital stays and care is required to manage the drugs needed in these matters. I take Codeine , Morphine and Paracetamol and I am never free form pain. Some people get far worse pain.
Please realise that 17 million people are suffering from this disease right now, and in many countries help is not available.
There are a number of sites online where you can read the very latest research on ME. There is one very large organisation where doctors from many countries are doing work entirely sponsored by charity. Their findings are vast and their work is backed by hard facts. I would ask you to spend a few minutes to take a look, I think you will be amazed. Please take a look at :
The Hummingbirds` Foundation for ME.
THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE.........please help us find it.
Thanks for reading this.