i have a high cholestrol level and an over active thyroid.
i have iga neuorpathy and have it for si... - Early CKD Support
i have iga neuorpathy and have it for six years now but with the last three months im feeling more tried is this a common problem.
Best you see your GP, are your U&E's (i.e. GFR) being done regularly? mine done every two month (like you I have IGAN). Given you have a dual problem (with thyroid) its worth seeing them.
Also best to get your urine dipsticked for Protein. Have you got a renal consultant?
Good luckx
Thanks for the response.
Im currently seeing a renal consultant every six months and having my bloods and gfr checked currently my gfr is swapping between stage 1 and 2. With the urine issue to check the protein the consultant said i have a + level in my urine.
Im on 40mg simvastatin for my chlosterol level and 100mg livostatin for my thyroid.
Think it is best to see your GP and they should be keeping a bit of an eye on you. Might be best to get checked for anaemia as this is associated with CKD.
Good luck and take care...
ok and thanks for the information
There is an american group on facebook that offers info about IGAN here is the web ad for it:
Good luck