Since Part 2 of the Renal National Service Framework was published in 2005, GP's have been paid to test "at risk patients" for their EGFR reading to see if the level of Kidney Function was lower than normal, and more importantly whether it was stable or deteriorating. The NKF would like to know your experience of this, and in particular whether the GP knew sufficient about Kidney Disease to be able to advise someone with a declining EGFR what to do about it. Were life style changes being suggested for instance ? Please start a discussion or ask a question, the NKF wants your views.
Is the GP able to advise on kidney Disea... - Early CKD Support
Is the GP able to advise on kidney Disease ?

As you can see if you read my blog, my GP did spot the signs of CKD, she did give me some initial advice but she referred me to a consultant asap anyway and any doubts she has when I see her now she always calls the on call renal registrar
I was told by my GP there was no need to have a 130/80 target for blood pressure as I haven't got CKD, despite my nephrologist writing to him and telling him that was the target as I have chronic kidney disease. I have found the GPs I have had dealings with lacking in information.
My GP told me I would need a transplant. Consultant did not even after seeing him for 9 years?
Talking to a young patient last night I was advised that he went with high blood pressure 2 years ago but no tests were made and 4 weeks ago he went to his docs again as he has lethergy, was failing exams, itching etc and his BP was still high. he has now found he has a creatnine of 500 and is at stage 4 renal failure so it just shows how important it is that GPS recognise the signs and do tests earlier
It depends on the GP. If I have to see a younger less experienced GP they won't touch me with a barge pole so it's a bit of a waste of time going really as all I get is 'When do you next see your specialist'? The more experienced GPs at my surgery (who you have to book weeks in advance) are great and will ask other doctors, or reference whatever info they have on the condition and its treatment.
I have seen some very knowledgeable & switched on GPs, credit too them. The one who treated my dad, was excellent, almost his first words we I know how it worked with your dad, I won't assume yours is exactly the same but we have somewhere to start so fil me in so I can research more! Why can't all GPs be like that? My last one just didn't care! plain & simple! The admin staff protected him too! My present one admits he's no specialist but on the whole does what the hospital tells him. However, he doesn't really have the knowledge he needs as he does admit (as today) there are times I know more of the mechanics than he does. I accept a GP is just that, general. They can't be expected to be experts, that's what the experts do! but they DO need to have a culture of following up someone in their care who is under a specialist for a long term condition and familiarising themselves with at least the basics of what and why and maybe some of the complications and drugs or variations of drugs needed. eg. He prescribed me standard vit D. It transpired that was as much use as a chocolate tea pot as it was the wrong type. Now I don't really blame him (but the endocrinology specialist should have known better to at least check!) In the end it took me questioning my nephrologist about my meds to discover the error! Considering most GPs can't even do first aid, I realise this may be a big ask!!!!
"most GPs can't even do first aid"? Surely a slight exaggeration!

That would be a whole other issue, but certainly from my days as an active first aider, It was taken as general knowledge not to rely on a GPs skills. Be intersting to hear paramedics takes on things? I'm talking about the level of training just kicking in and knowing what to do rather than having to check and ask which was my experience on the odd training session many many years back. I'd love to think it's far better these days!!
I attended a cardio vascular meeting a few weeks ago attended by clinicians, gp's, patients,social workers and the like. I stated that I didn't think GP's knew enough about CKD and was suprised when the gent at the side of me agreed, he was in fact a GP. So I asked him what he was going to do about learning more and he said he hadn't got the time!!!!!!!!
I don't think my Gp had enough knowledge of CKD. My kidney function has been slowly declining for 18 months and I was told the test results were okay and the function reading were within the nice guidelines. I had Scan for something different and it was discovered that I actually had cancer in my kidney. My kidney was removed and now I have CKD 3. I do consider myself being very lucky though as the cancer was confined.
I was on my last dose of furosemide 40 when I had my urinalysis. As I expected my doctor said the test result was okay. He didn't say a word when I told him it was my third day of furosemide. After the diuretics my urine volume has decreased. He just said it was okay as long as I didn't have enema. Is that it? Is he a knowledgeable nephrologist? I'm a diagnosed CKD3 patient 4 yrs ago.
My eGfr dropped from 78 to 60 a few years ago. I have 1 kidney which is functioning
very well. But my Doctor didn't know why my kidney function had dropped. I have
blood tests regularly. My left kidney is 3 times the normal size and is coping well.