Someone reported that a medicine dramatically improved her eGFR readings etc, plus fasting and prayer (of course) I also read that extra virgin olive oil and a glass of wine did similar, but a gout attack has made that impossible.
Medicine that dramatically improved eGFR... - Early CKD Support
Medicine that dramatically improved eGFR readings with fasting
What you report could be quite true. That someone was given a medication that dramatically improved the egfr. BUT what you do not know is why was the EGFR bad in the first place? You can get a bad egfr reading due to so many different conditions (not just kidney disease). Even a simple infection of the kidney, which is then treated (anti biotics) and the EGFR is improved. So you need to know why was the EGFR was "bad" not just that someone said theirs was improved. As far as wine, olive oil, etc., etc., etc. I always stop and ask myself, if these "treatments" are so easy and successful why isn't there the majority of the medical community prescribing it?? There has always been and always will be reports, for all types of home remedies for all types of every disease. That does not make them true.
If a simple glass of wine would improve your kidney function (CKD) to any measurable degree and cure, don't you think every country in the world would be "prescribing" it?
There are all sorts of new kidney medications out there. You have to read about them because there often is a catch. For example, Finerenone, is being touted as a great one. But read the complete information on it and you will find that it can CAUSE hyperkalemia (high potassium) which is already an issue with CKD and can cause issues with other things like calcium and sodium and liver issues. Most of the new drugs are for people with Type 2 diabetes.
Extra virgin olive oil and wine...... oh come on....and fasting is something that should be discussed with your doctor. Not everyone should fast.