does meds for reflux worsen ckd
Acid reflux: does meds for reflux worsen... - Early CKD Support
Acid reflux
It depends do you have a specific med you would like to know about or group/class of meds?
Just meds in general Are any safe with ckd?
My research indicates none of the current meds are safe. Which really blows because I had a primary care doc from 2004-2019 who assured me that Prilosec (omeprazole) was safe and I have taken that for 18 years. The class it is in protein pump inhibitors seem to be the safest as long as they are not taken over a long period of time recommended at 6 months or less. Additionally there are increased occurrences of significant CVD incidents with long-term use of PPIs. So that just made my day!
Over the counter remedies like Pepto-Bismol, Tums, and Gaviscon are a must avoid as they can cause AKIs to healthy kidneys. Recent studies do indicate that the class of drugs histamine-2 receptor antagonists Pepcid and Zantac 360 (the new Zantac) may be the safest as one study indicated the CKD occurrences in patients taking PPIs was over 30% higher than those on the histamine-2 receptor antagonists.
My research was somewhat limited because for every credible medical site there were five attorneys sites. Huge class actions against the PPI manufacturers in the US.
This is one of the many situations that need an in-depth discussion with your entire care team to determine what is best for you and your health. I have suffered from GERD since my mid-teens. However, it is going on my ever increasing list to talk to my primary care on 4/26 and my nephrologist in May. Hope that helps!
I take a half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and it gives me almost instant relief.
I am 22+ years post transplant and had horrible acid reflux till my transplant team started me on Omeprazole. We are all different, so you should talk with your nephrologist. I have taken Omeprazole twice a day for over 20 years and my creatinine remains unchanged at 0.9-1.1