I feel I started the swelling . Does it happen gradually or suddenly ?
Swelling: I feel I started the swelling... - Early CKD Support
Please clarify your question. Not sure what you want to know.
Aim CKD stage 3 , I wonder if swelling and edema due to water retention happens gradually , I mean does it grow day by day . Because I think that the skin around my eyes starts to swell little bit . Aim I paranoid ?
This is something you should be asking your doctor/nephrologist. Before my transplant they had me take a water pill (lasix) due to fluid retention. Your doctor should see you and would be able to tell by your appearance if edema is an issue. Is the swelling also in your feet and ankles? That is the common place for edema. Swelling around your eyes can be from not sleeping well, allergies, not enough activity......
I would check with doctor. That could also be affecting blood pressure which is hard on kidneys too.