Ironically just been given my diagnosis of CKD3 today and am currently undertaking research on AKI. Shocked and cross at poor gp follow. Scared to take any meds if prescribed.
n: Ironically just been given my diagnosis... - Early CKD Support
It's a bit of a shock when you're first diagnosed. I can understand the irony re your studies. Did your stage 3 happen suddenly or was it a gradual change?
I was also diagnosed at stage 3 and it took a while before further decline. As you probably know from your research, not everyone with ckd goes to stage 5. A healthy diet, avoiding nsaids or any other tablets which affect the kidneys, such as some blood pressure tablets will help.
If you're not happy with your doctor, you could always ask to be transferred to a different one. It seems to me though that doctors generally, don't seem to mention ckd to their patients until they reach stage 3.
Best of luck,
That was my experience also on CKD not being mentioned by Doctor until stage 3. I had changed primary Doctor when diagnosed. I think also being on Medicare maybe a reason.
I can understand not wanting to take drugs. doctors refused to tell me except my naturopathic Dr. I am actually afraid of even going to a dr. because in ontario, the dr. think of themselves as demi-gods and if you don't do exactly what they tell you (prescriptions) they will pull your driver's license in a heartbeat. when you live "in god's country" being without a driver's license is the same as being sentenced to death because you can't go to get your meds, grocery shop, or work .. can't go anywhere. sorry, deviated from the topic at hand. most drugs have multiple serious side effects and western medicine only prepare you for dialysis and death. that is why I have opted for TCM but I have just learned of micro osmotherapy, ( I have submitted that question
to the tcm college that is treating me).