My husband and I have just come back from my daughters (age 5, year 1) parents evening where we've been told she's seeing the SENCO because the school is worried amongst other things, about her ability to count. The teacher is also unsure if she's actually listening/taking things in and there seems to be a variability in her overall intelligence –she's been tested on key words, one day she knew 75 words but when tested a few days later on the same words she only knew 35. Similar concerns were raised in her reception year but nothing was followed through. I really want to get my daughter assessed for Dyslexia but don't know if it's the right thing to do AND don't know really where to start. The school hasn't suggested Dyslexia, but from my own investigation and mothers intuition I feel an assessment for Dyslexia might be the way forward.
Should I get my daughter assess for D... - The Dyslexia Comm...
Should I get my daughter assess for Dyslexia and how should I go about it?

Your daughter is still quite young and sometimes teachers may not take into account whether she is the youngest in her class before comparing her with her peers. Usually I would say a screening at Y2 is appropriate but Dyslexia Action may have a different viewpoint on this. You can contact your local Dyslexia Action centre or ask the BDA (British Dyslexia Association) or Patoss (professional association of teachers of students with spLD) for a list of suitably qualified private professionals in your area. You could also consider some specialised teaching to see if that will impact on her difficulties (contact the same organisations); but your first port of call regarding this should be school so enquire on their plan to help your child.
I hope this reply is helpful to you.
Hi Hovemummy,
If you contact your local Dyslexia Action Centre they will be able to advise you on further action. If you visit and find your local centre, give them a call and they will be able to advise.
Hope this helps!
sounds exactly like my daughter ,she was very inconsistant with her memorization from day to day. I was able to retain her in 1st grade and then also get her the services she needed after I had the school do a gammit of testing. Here in the US they dont actually call it dyslexia and they are not fully trained in teaching the way the children learn with this disability,although there are private schools that cost more than college that do offer proper teaching. I also had testing at Kennedy Krieger for a develpmental evalutation and audio and visual testing , so that I could recieve all the proper services. She is now in 2nd grade and she is finally reading at that level and doing well in math with accomodations.She will never have a memory that will allow her to memorize all multiplication and she still has letter reversal issues but with her accomodations she is successful. Accomodations like where she sits, repeating directions, notes on her desk, using a highlighter as she reads, calculator use, manipulatives, language math and reading pull out time, and eventually as she is older an e reader, more time on tests ect. Good luck getting it when they are inn elementary school is key, be patient it takes time and research and advocation!!
Hi Hove mummy,
I completely understand your concerns and its good that the school shares them. Seeing the SENCO will ensure that she will get the extra help she needs at the moment. I also understand that your mother's instinct is probably right but the assessment process is expensive and won't give you such an accurate idea of her needs at her age. If she has it towards the end of year two when children change cognitively, the results will be much more valuable for your daughters learning and worth the financial investment too. It sounds as though you have a supportive school, so work with them and any support you can offe will only be benficial to your daughter. If you feel the same next year then I would seriously consider having her assessed. Dyslexia action do a thorough assessment of her needs and will offer you advice as a parent for your daughter throughout her education and into adulthood.
I have a severly dyslexic daughter who is in her final year at university, very organised and happy. I did wait for her to be assessed even though I thought she was dyslexic at reception and sha has had wonderful support which has also ensured her independence in coping with how dyslexia affects her, so don't be afraid to give her a bit of time now.