Does Influenza vaccine compromise our natural immunity?
Influenza vaccine: Does Influenza... - Diabetes Research...
Influenza vaccine
Excellent reply!
No, it doesn't compromise our natural immunity. It adds to it, and offers a small, but effective to flu, boost.
Thanks for quick reply.
Another query, I am told that getting vaccinated with influenza & pneumonia shots will help older persons against their susceptibility to COVID-19. Please advise.
Hi surtal ,
Are you allergic to any of the ingredients that are in the flu shot? Does your doctor's office have the shot for their patients now?
I do no have any details about the ingredients of the flu shot. In India, it is your choice whether you want to get flue shot or not. If I want to get vaccinated I have to buy the vaccine from market & get my self vaccinated from a doctor.
Can you ask a doctor what's in the shot before you go and get it for them to give it to you?
Me & my friend were thinking of getting flu & pneumonia shots. After reading few articles on the subject that this might compromise our natural immunity, we have given up. Thanks for the support.