Struggling to sleep and craving that glass of wine.
4th alcohol free day But... : Struggling to sleep... - Drink Free
4th alcohol free day But...
4 days is amazing. I live with someone who drinks so I know just how well 4 days is. Your body needs to adjust to being alcohol free. Bear with it you are doing amazing
Stay strong.
Sreid four days is amazing! I know you had a glass of wine but stick with it. You fall off the bike a few times before you learn to ride it. You can do this. Don't listen to the wine witch whispering in your ear she might be saying ' see you only had one you can moderate" do not listen. The drinking will soon build up to blackout before you know it. Remember thoughts that come into your head are not facts you can challenge them. Those powerful cravings are like storms they will pass usually dying down in 15 minutes or so. Try eating a bowl of ice cream or eating chocolate it can trick the brain into craving something else. Read up on quit lit ' The unexpected joy of being sober' by Catherine Grey is great on binge drinking and the journey to recovery.
Thank you so much for the very supportive message. I'll get the book also. I can see I'll put on weight giving up 🤔