hi - I’m just starting another drink free spell. Have done dry January previously and it felt amazing. I’ve long had problems with food, anxiety, depression, trauma, neurodiversity. All a mess. Over the weekend it felt like being drink free is a bit of a key to help it all.
starting here: hi - I’m just starting another... - Drink Free
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Welcome to the forum. For me too it took a long time to realize alcohol is no longer a solution. But I couldn’t stay stopped, I would go back to alcohol over and over. I reached a point where I kind of knew I will lose everything I cherish, that’s when I entered the fellowship of AA. It was suggested by my shrink. It was there I learned more about alcoholism and the solution to recover from the disease. If you are need help understanding the disease and the solution to it let me know, I will be glad to walk you through the process.
I quit drinking and started to go to AA meetings because my husband has serious problems with alcohol. He didn't work so I supported his drinking and my children by working two jobs. I wasn't hard for me because my father's brain was deranged because of alcohol. Cocktail waitressing made me the most money and after seeing people get smashed and do stupid thing, I never ever drank. I found AA made me a better person and sober drunks are a riot to hang out with. No holds barred. Just spit it out. I still practice the 12 steps. Get a sponsor in your area who is rational and kind. Best of luck. I do miss having a drink now and then but it sure saves money when you don't drink or smoke!!LOL!!