For all who do their best to not drink this one day of the year. To not drink is to take one day at a time or even if necessary, one minute at a time. When I stopped drinking I had to put my sobriety first. Especially at holidays. Big, big triggers for a person who can’t help but abuse alcohol. For several years after I sobered up, I steered clear of gatherings that included alcohol. My true friends understood and the ones that didn’t or wouldn’t, fell by the wayside. I did make a lot of new friends through AA, so I was never alone on holidays. My local AA clubhouse always had a social after the meetings. Everybody brought the trimmings and the clubhouse furnished the turkeys and ham. To bring a dish was not required. That was ok, because the most important thing was to help others that would be alone and probably drink because of it.
For those who might be alone these few days of the year and struggling not to drink, reach out to other recovering alcoholics. Search online for your local AA clubhouse or meeting. The only requirement is to show up. 🥰