Seem to get a lot more depression these days, worrying getting older, a need for more company, dont feel comfortable on my own a lot.
worse these days.: Seem to get a lot more... - Different Strokes
worse these days.
Me too, and being 100% independent and self sufficient for so many years, it's hard and horrible to deal with. Our life histories being poles apart I suspect, it's still isolation, the end result is the same, as you describe above. I found that there's an organisation at a local community centre that matches and brings local people together, either one to one or for various events and coffee mornings. I'm looking into that. There's also the Stroke Asssociation, I self referred and their support has been first class. They told me about an informal coffee get together once a month and that sounds pretty good. There's all sorts available, through MIND there are informal drop in sessions for stress etc. You haven't got to registerm just pop along if you feel up to it. I've yet to get brave or motivated enough to haul myself out of the house and I'm fighting shy of making commitments.... some days I feel lousy. Maybe it's worth you making enquiries in your area?