Hello my name is Tameka. I've been living with lupus for roughly 15 years and that's what pretty much killed off my kidneys. I've been doing dialysis since 2009, I've done PD and in-center hemo. I believe the roughest part of this was explaining it to my daughters that at the time was 8 and 10. Now it's trying to get my 4 year old granddaughter too try and understand just a little bit of it is still so overwhelming for me that I know she would never fully understand about her grandma. I've had heart trouble, I've had amputations and no I don't have diabetes. I have vascular disease, neurological issues, Raynaud's, arthritis in my hands and crazy enough I deal with both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Miners has called me a walking miracle and I just saying that it's the grace of God, staying positive, staying stress-free, drama free, standing strong and pushing forward, that I have held on this long. And just so that everyone knows, giving up is never an option!!
The cards of life: Hello my name is Tameka... - Dialysis Support
The cards of life

Hello Tameka, Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of support and good friendship here. I too have an auto immune disease which has resulted in ruining my kidneys. I am not yet on dialysis although the doctors are telling me it is only a few months away. I am pleased you are able to stay so positive and many thanks for your advice on stress and drama free living. I am sure your granddaughter will understand shortly. Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. I talk from experience as I used to be one myself. In fact even aged 51, I probably am still. 😊
Hello Tameka,
Thank you for sharing your story, keep strong and positive, concentrate on things you can do and not on things you can't do.
Thank u, this is the card life dealt me 15 years so I try really hard to playy by the rules. I appreciate ur encouragement, we all need that sometime 😊😊
Hi, My heart goes out to you. My Son also has Lupus which killed his kidneys. He is now on Dialysis for a little over 2 years. Goes 3 times a week to the Renal Clinic. Because of the Lupus causing blood clots the Doctor wants him to go on blood thinners. Don't think that is a good idea because he bleeds when the needles are removed from the fistula. No blood thinners. He also had a heart attack 2 yrs. ago when the kidneys stopped working. That day began the Dialysis before the 4 by pass to the heart surgery. My prayers go out to you & your family. There is so much to learn about these different health conditions. Jackie scoot2puff27
Thank u for ur testimony and kind words...I get blood clots in my body so I'm on blood thinners and have been since 2003, which was when I was sleep and I got a blood clot in my lung and I felt like I was drowning. My doctor told me had i not been able to wake myself up, I would have died. So it might not be a bad thing for ur son. But it's ultimately u guys decision to do what's best for him. I thank God daily, that I've was able to see a new day. We never know when it's our last. And that's everybody. So we have to make the best choice's we can. U right, there is so much to learn, know, research, remember... Well I wish u and ur son all the best. And again thank u for sharing.