Dear sir,
i am 47 years old and i am a diabetes patient since three months,i am a high blood presure patient also and sleep disk also i dont under stand what to do please advise me
Dear sir,
i am 47 years old and i am a diabetes patient since three months,i am a high blood presure patient also and sleep disk also i dont under stand what to do please advise me
Have you consulted a diabetologist? If not please do so. Get your BS and BP checked and take advice for medication. It is better to know that BS levels beyond the range below and above normal range causes damage to the organs such as heart, pancreas, kidney, lever etc. That is why Diabetes is known as silent killer. Stop consuming bakery, dairy products and sweets. It normally is a life time maintenance. Claims of total reversal of this problem are not found to be correct. Physical activity such as 30 minutes of walk every day apart from regulated diet and medication goes a long way in arresting further deterioration. I am diabetic since 17 years and am 68 years old able to maintain reasonably good health. Despite, disagreement by the practicing doctors, consulting a nutrition specialist is one sane advice I am tempted to share with all by reason of a very satisfactory improvement in my health in the recent just 6 weeks. I did not know the value of this earlier.
First do not panic. It is not a disease and ur not a patient in the normal way.
Go to doctor and benefit from his advise
It is not a disease, but can be controlled through regular medicine and diet. As far as I know, cannot be completely cured also.
what KSREDDY is saying is 100% correct.I always like his comments.God bless him.
no need to get panic the disease started with the inception of the man kind
go for Hba1c test, fasting & post prandial blood sugar .chek up ur B.P IN SITTING ,STANDING &LYING DOWN position.+if the values are not high dieting &exercise not controolled oral anti diabetics,if not insulin &annual check up of all the blood investigations
x_ray chest ,E.C.G. MAY GOD HELP U