is 172 mg/dl. I am taking rgular food like wheat chapatis, little rice advise me in the matter.
I am a diabetic patient for the last 2-3 yr... - Diabetes India
I am a diabetic patient for the last 2-3 yrs. I am regularly taking tablets post B/fast..My Hb A1c 7.00% (checked on09/08/13_ Mean Blood Gl

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5 Replies
as per your Hb A1c reports results , 7% is desirable.
Please start taking Roti made from oat floor, take a mixture of Amla Powder and Dry HAldi Powder in equal Qty. and have 1 spoon each a day in morning and evening
Glycosylated Haemoglobin represents controle over diabeties in last 30 day which have passed. submit latest report of Blood sugar Fasting & 2 hrs after meal, Serum Urea & Serum Creatinin for current status
HBA1C 7 is too much.restrict to 5.5 by adopting LCHF diet .
avoid roti, rice,potatoes ,sweets and limit u r carbs intake to 100 gms /day.
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Please suggest me LCHF food in vegetarian.