I'm (45 yrs)diabetic 10 yrs and had a CAD 6... - Diabetes India
I'm (45 yrs)diabetic 10 yrs and had a CAD 6 yrs back. since I am taking lot of medicines,I am developing acute gastritis.Any special tablets

Have you met a Gastroenterology expert ? You should if you have not. I too had a vary bad experience and suffered for an year. finally the cause cause was wrong combination of medicines. Please ensure that your Gastro and diabetologist are in sync ( at the bare minimum show them the other's prescription) in terms of what medication you are taking to rule out side effects of any diabetic medicine combination. Hope this helps.
hello, u can take / use SOLUBLE FIBER in ur diet. it not only controll diabetic, & LIPID PROFILE NATURALLY . but also helps u to controll gastritis. u can contact me on here or send me a private message.
Try Sukrafil syrup, half an hour before every meal. You could also take Penta-Rab in the mornings. Swallowing a garlic, first thing in the morning is also good - but it could lower blood pressure levels.
Sir, I am exactly of your age and is taking diabetic medicines and insulin for last 16 years. I would like to know from you about your course of action. I would certainly appreciate your advice. Thanks and regards....
Iam also a diabetic for the last 20 +years suffering from severe gastritis. I was advised by one gastro surgen that the exocrine functions of pancreas is likely to affected in diabetic patients and therefore pancreatic enzymes were advised along with other tablets for gastritis. It gave me good relief for stomach fullness etc. But the problem in not fully relieved. However my diabetologist suggested that diabetic patients are likely to develop autonomic neuropathy in the long run which affect intestine/vagus nerve etc and gastric motility etc will also be disturbed a lot in such an event. He advised to have good control of diabetes for getting relief from these complications I am still on treatment. You may also note that the medicines you are taking may also cause severe gastritis.
For queries you can mail me on HU.
Please furnish a complete list of medications you are taking. Some anti-diabetic may cause gastrointestinal upset. For eg:--Metformin.