This is an article that was originally published/written on and reviewed by: Dan Brennan, MD on May 11, 2021. The article is explaining what a Diabetic Service Dog is and what their job duties are for a person with Diabetes. It also explains how much training each dog is given before they go with the person who needs their help/services and if they need some extra training every so often. Please see:
Diabetic Service Dogs (An Article) - Diabetes India
Diabetic Service Dogs (An Article)

I am afraid the is taking me to COVID!!
How do I get to dogs help with type 2?
Can you take a screenshot to show me what you're seeing after clicking on the link for the new screen and article?
I am afraid I am unable to a photo to a response!, I can only do a photo at the beginning of a post.
Can you please take a picture and then upload it to your computer/phone so you can put it on the comments section?
Her it is:
What Experts Predict From COVID This Fall and Winter
Experts agree that a major winter COVID surge is possible. But they disagree on details such as what may cause it.
Fauci: U.S. Can Avoid a Fall COVID-19 Resurgence
Yankees, Olympics, & COVID: Can Sports Win the Day?
Coronavirus in Context
Questions about COVID? Email them to Dr. John Whyte at and he may answer them in an upcoming episode.
In the news, UK is training dogs to smell and detect corona at air ports and train stations!
Hi Leah,
Thank you for sharing great informations about Diabetic Service Dogs. Dogs are great companionship to us and also extremely powerful with their noses of 300 million scent receptors.
I just read US abc7 article, it is possible they can detect Covid virus but still new and haven’t confirmed yet as they move to phase 2 on dogs’ ability to detect people actually infected with covid-19. 😁👍
This is exactly right, Koko. The Scientists are still working on how the dog's noses for detecting COViD and other health conditions can help everyone have a better life/stay healthy. Thank you for bringing this up.
You’re welcome Leah. It is a fact our fur babies can be trained to provide exemplary assistance for our quality of lives.❤️ At the same time we want them to be absolutely safe and protected as well. 😁👍