I am 22 male. My penis isn't hard. What can I do?
Sex: I am 22 male. My penis isn't hard... - Diabetes India

Hi Ajasaju ,
Welcome to the group. Please feel free to continue posting your postings/comments and/or questions, take the polls on the Polls Section, read/reply to the other member's postings/comments, attend the monthly meetings held one weekend a month, take a look at the Pinned Posts and Topics sections for extra help and information. Also, feel free to meet the rest of the group's members! Everyone is very helpful.
Have you called your doctor to arrange an appointment for the issue? If you had, what did they say during the appointment?
Please take a look at the free leaflet on "Sexual Dysfunction and Diabetes in Men" on the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation's website. You csn read, listen to or download the free leaflet at anytime. I hope this helps. Please go to: drwf.org.uk/understanding-d...