What happens to cholesterol when eaten in l... - Diabetes India

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What happens to cholesterol when eaten in large quantity ?

patliputra profile image
16 Replies

Please note that I am talking exclusively about cholesterol and not,about any other lipids. Does this heavy dose of cholesterol taken on a single day OR over a long period of time, cause rise in blood cholesterol ? Is there any difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol ?

There is a lot of controversy going on about dietary cholesterol, so let us try to understand what happens to dietary cholesterol when consumed and its role in raising blood cholesterol.

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16 Replies
patliputra profile image

Sorry, by mistake I deleted my own comment.

patliputra profile image

What happens if we eat much much more cholesterol than that's is required ? Will it get deposited in blood vessels ?

patliputra profile image

When I said dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol. Actually I meant exogenous ( dietary) and endogenous ( de novo ) cholesterol.

patliputra profile image

What do you think ? Or rather when and where does esterification takes place ?

patliputra profile image

Your one post gone missing. But I will answer, first of all cholesterol can be absorbed both in esterified and non esterified forms. Second , esterification takes place in the lumen of the gut by Acyl Co A, which is found in gut as well as liver.

Lipoprotein is essential for carriage of cholesterol. unesterified is package on the periphery, while esterified is placed centrally.

So no question of deesterification.

patliputra profile image

Cholesterol is integr al part of all animal cells. So if it all started with rabbit, as you say,why it is joke ? Just because rabbit is a herbivorous !!

Please note that plant kingdom as such do not posses cholesterol,but a very similar substance called phytosterol . When eaten this phytosterol competes with cholesterol for absorption.

patliputra profile image

In normal healthy persons there is a very tight regulatory and counter regulatory mechanism to keep blood cholesterol within a range. No need to go into details.

So far so good in healthy person,but what happens that this regulatory mechanism goes wrong and blood cholesterol starts rising ?

patliputra profile image

Answer , to what ?

patliputra profile image

Off the point.A very biased response. Your opinion. No problem.

patliputra profile image

We debate central theme ,not accessories or peripherals.

patliputra profile image

I am sorry. At first glance I failed to grasp the satire,about rabbit.

patliputra profile image

I am pressed for time,so perhaps after several hours,I may be able to come back.😀

patliputra profile image

I am an answer seeker,there are many things I don't understand . Can you come up with logical answers for the questions raised ?

patliputra profile image

I already know the prevailing scientific majority's as well as minority's opinion.

I am not a researcher. I am only trying to put things in simple understandable language without any bias, so that some one might benefit from the information. The information ,on the basis of which ,he could take an informed decision.

The things i write is as per my own perception and people has a right to disagree.

patliputra profile image

Indiacratus, i fully understand, what you are driving at. You will accept the fact that Cholesterol is vital for life.

So before humans became hunter-gatherers, he was only gatherer, depending on plant kingdom,which contains no Cholesterol. So from where this cholesterol came. True body recycles and manufactures to meet its needs.

But recycled cholesterol is not enough to meet daily requirements over a period.

So body must get it from any other source plant diet being deficient in cholesterol.

so,consider other sources from where body can get its cholesterol, apart from recycled one.

Indiacratus you are a well read person ,so must remember Acetyl Co A. You will find it in the metabolic pathway of all three macronutrient,carb, fat and protein.

Do i have to say more?Body can manufacture cholesterol from all those three .

So be it a Ape or Monkey, there is never a scarcity of cholesterol, whatever his diet may be.

patliputra profile image

Please don't worry ,I have got many references direct from research papers.

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