Posts being deleted: Why all posts are being... - Diabetes India

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Health-freak profile image
20 Replies

Why all posts are being deleted?

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Health-freak profile image
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20 Replies
kcpl profile image

You are wrong. Medfree deleted his threads and account himself before moving to No one abuses or insults more than you here. You have insulted even me. No one has called others terrorists and fanatics on this forum, only you have. There are users who have objected to your use of indecent language on forum and few also said to ignore you as you are incorrigible. Latest was makarim. There are few others too who have said same about you.

kcpl profile image


if you are looking for threads started by Medfree, then he deleted his own threads and then deleted his account as he was fed up of constant insults and abuses here from 3 or 4 guys who hated LCHF, despite huge number of diabetics benefiting from it. Even now they do this.

Medfree started a forum dedicated for LCHF.

in reply to kcpl

Good morning kcpl ., got up early today?starting the day with a bang?

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Good morning Sridhaer! How's your FBS today?

Got my tank filled with high octane fuel :)

in reply to kcpl

f.b.s 126.,, happy..keep the 'knocks' of octane fuel going.. ;)

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Great!. AG is BID or TID? Aim for FBS 100 as next step. It should improve once your PPBS starts coming in at < 140.

in reply to kcpl

AG tid., since yesterday. ppbs also improving courtesy AG. now a days not feeling the pangs for sweets and grains. i think my body is now becoming adaptive. it took nearly 10 days to come to this stage.and religiously adding fat and protein to diet. 4c.,4p., 9f trying. protein really helps in satiety., more than fat but scared of taking too much protein. fat is ok i feel as not much disturbance to physical state. weight loss stopped at around 2kg. not much of loss . but i am not really concerned about it right now.

my target presently PPBS around 140 and fasting around 100.,

Want to decrease these values in steps rather than at a go..

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I also found that earlier i feel irritated at blood sugar valu <160 and become really ferocious. nowadays with values of 126 also i am calm for a larger amount of time..i.e spells of calmness practicing..

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Body retaliates when one rejects "ADA diet" as "ADA diet" is Addictive and as bad as tobacco consumption. So, one could experience withdrawal symptoms. Keep protein in check as protein also converts to sugar and spikes late. Aim for 60% energy through FAT (trans fat zero).

On LCHF everything is great. You can reach a stage where skipping a meal and yet feel full of energy will not be unusual :)

in reply to

right now ppbs hovers above 160 and below 190., varies and varies between 123 to 136.. accucheck.earlier ppbs any time 225+., fbs anyday 165+.

random always 140 around .earlier. nowadays not checking random.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to


1 Hr PPBS < 140

2 Hr PPBS < 120

is what aggressive control is all about. Once you get there, cellular damage is less.

in reply to kcpl


kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to

Hey sridhaer,

indiacrarus thinks you are medfree. What a joke man! Looks like everyone who joins new and talks LCHF will be considered as medfree by this great expert who loves insulting and abusing anyone who talks LCHF. His last victim was shrisamarth and seems you will be next :)

He doesn't even change his hate when others request him to use proper words in communications.

kcpl profile image

I am not medfree. So please get over with your obsession against medfree. Your obsessive hate seems to be based on his success here. Learn to command respect and not demand by quoting British jails etc. That's irrelevant, and you are just behaving in an immature manner when you say all that.

kcpl profile image

Oh BTW, I missed on replying to your "Stealing Comment"

Did you check your friend's post to which I had replied? Nothing is stolen in my reply, but the original post (from your friend who also goes about attacking LCHF) to which i replied has multiple sentences/paragraphs lifted straight from:


What would you call that? There are few other posts which have paragrapgs lifted from same source. I can now clearly understand your version of "TRUTH". Looks like your agenda is to get me off from here as that's what you had said in initial days when you started trolling on my posts, wrongly presuming that I am medfree. You are just here to please your ego by insulting and abusing.

As for 900 posts of medfree deleted, it's in public domain (if you know how to search you can also find it):

So, please stop dreaming and get over with your obsessive hate and please behave the age that you are. You will draw more respect that way. If you want to please your ego by insulting and abusing me, carry on.

kcpl profile image

Three things:

(1) Blinded by hate, you just are pointing fingers without any proof in a haste. So this is just trolling and trying to invite flame. Insult your friends who do bulk copy paste here. Rhetoric -- that's what you keep doing with your abuses and insults -- not my forte.

(2) English doesn't seem to be your strong point, so get someone to do the comparison work and also understand what sridhaer said. You simply do not have the capacity or capability to do it on your own. Many users do not like your language and attitude here and that's why many have left this site. sridhaer deleted his post because of your persistent trolling even on his thread.

(3) Get a life man! -

What's your mental age if I may ask? And, till I know your mental age, I won't be responding to your rants and baseless statements.

kcpl profile image

Till I know your mental age, I am not replying to your rants (they are not questions they are rants and baseless allegations).

I am not medfree. Get over with your hate filled obsession. By Monkey you meant your friends who keep copying entire paragraphs? Hmmm I am surprised that you don't even spare your friends from abusing and insulting them.

As long as you think I am medfree you will always be driven by insanity. Do you know sridhaer deleted his post because of your trolling?

kcpl profile image

@indiacratus -

Read here what Gillkashmirsingh has to say to you and your insulting ways:

Have some self respect at least. Every time you open your mouth you insult yourself more than insulting others. If you want I can post makarim message link also. can also post link to sonu1196 post what he said to one of your fiends here. Not everyone can be wrong in assessing your character and rude behavior.

You have been attacking me personally very frequently just because you are dreaming that I am medfree and that shows how you hated medfree also.

norreal profile image

I checked and did not find that any (at least any significant) post by me has been deleted as yet. I am a new member and did sometimes get into arguments.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to norreal

Arguments are fine but picking up one one guy and insulting is not. indiacratus is one of the worst persons that I have encountered during a very short stay here and the problem is he doesn't even bother to listen to what many other users have said about his indecent ways.

He seems to getting on my back with abusive insults just because he is obsessed with medfree and sees medfree everywhere. He just reminds me of Dr Stephen Barett, a failed psychiatrist who keeps calling all doctors who speak against drugs as quacks. Dr Stephen Barett is a classic example of a narcissist -

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