Why inflammation matters for Diabetics - Diabetes India

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Why inflammation matters for Diabetics

16 Replies

Anti-inflammatory medications might someday be used to lower the risk of certain kinds of disease among diabetics,found a new study,presented at the American Heart Associations High Blood Pressure Research Scientific Sessions 2014 .

In the laboratory ,the researchers studied cultured cells from human aorta,the blood vessels that comes out of the Heart and goes to the rest of the body,they put the cells in a high-glucose environment -----similar to what happens inside a diabetic body and found that without inflammation present,sugar did not enter the cells.And even when glucose was forced in to the cells,the cells were not damaged.

But inflammation changes everything.When researchers added an inflammatory protein called INTERLEUKIN--1-a common marker for inflammation in the body,whether you are diabetic or not-the cell did metabolize the glucose,which kicked of cycle of inflammation. Those effects were blocked once the researchers gave the cells a certain type of anti- inflammatory drug.

"What ( the study authors) said was ,you need inflammation in order for the glucose to do the damage to the cells"explained Mary Ann Baum an,MD, a primary care internist at INTEGRIS Health in Oklahoma City and spokesperson for the American Heart Association (Dr. Baum an was not author on the study) "That could be one of the reasons why in a diabetic,If we can get them to exercise and lose weight,they will have less damage to the cells."

In diabetes care,doctors and patients often focus on reducing blood sugar levels,and though this preliminary research occurred only in cells,it shows how inflammation might play a role,Dr. Baum an said.

That means that controlling blood sugar is not always enough to avoid the cardiovascular disease that sometimes stems from diabetes,and inflammatory drugs may one day be able to help,said study author Carlos SancheZ-Ferrer, a professor of pharmacology at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain,in a press release.Life style changes can help too -----" We need to reduce the inflammatory environment associated with diabetes" Sanchez -Ferror said. "Changes in life style,such as physical exercise and weight reduction,are important not only,because they reduce blood sugar,but they reduce inflammation too" reference http//time.com/3329225/inflammation-diabetes/

http//newsroom.heart.org/news/inflammation may-be-key-to diabetes-heart disease-link/ preview-------------AHA/ASA Newsroom

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16 Replies
patliputra profile image

From where does the inflammation comes in the body, whether diabetic or non diabetic ?

in reply to patliputra

Inflammation is a response of body tissue to injury or irritation characterized by pain and swelling,redness and heat.

Inflammation&swelling may persist together ,but they are not same.Sometimes there is no swelling but pain only,redness or heat remains there on the effected part of body

Best Answer--yes both are same---but if you go for more scientific answer,It is basic way in which the body reacts to the infection, irritation or other injury,the key feature being redness,warmth,swelling and pain. Inflammation is now recognized as a type of nonspecific immune response.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

By itself inflammation is not bad. It is problematic when it becomes chronic.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

My question remains from where this inflammation comes in the body to cause cardiovascular disease. How this inflammation starts ?

patliputra profile image

What is inflammation ?what do you mean by " inflammatory drugs may one day be able to help ".

Please read my answer

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Please read my query is it inflammatory OR ANTI inflammatory drugs which is helpful.

kcpl profile image

@shrisamarth -

NSAIDS (non steroid anti inflammatory drugs) prescription overdose kills more people in 29 states in USA than car accidents do. Mind you, these are "prescription" based.



So these bodies of so call experts who keep defending the High Carb Low Fat broken diet will never research for if "CARB" is the issue. Pathetic to say the least, when they willingly are blind and deaf.

They should be comparing the inflammation makers of diabetics on HCLF and LCHF, but they won't.

overdose and under dose also kills,why you are intermingling with high carbs or low carbs,are you agent of some corporate house. No body try to read the blog precisely,just commenting on dotted lines.This is research paper in preliminaries,stages. They have tried in a labor try.Thousands of research papers are published on Diabetes,then how scientific communities are able to develop new medicines to control the disease. lchf and hclf definitions are not new,they have been researched after practicing on rats or some other species in the labor tries,and after successful trial recommended to mankind.Overdose of every thing kills as over speed kills. Where i had mentioned overdose word.Please do not try to twist the writings in the blog.If there is no new research,there will be no advancement in any field.

kcpl profile image
kcpl in reply to


3 things:

(1) That was not for you. That was for shirsamarth.

(2) Experts are prescribing in worlds most advanced country and stats of 29 states. Overdose or underdose is experts' problem. Second link doesn't even talk about overdose.

(3) Highlighting something is not twisting anything. Try to be a good listener when you post a "early stage" research, instead of finger pointing.

Not responding to you after this, as you are also one of the persons I am avoiding.

Sh.Shrisamarth seems to be correct

Sir,you are right, in the last paragraph "That means that controlling blood sugar is not always enough to avoid the cardiovascular disease that sometimes stems from diabetes,and _________anti-inflammatory drugs may one day to able to help,in place of ________________inflammatory drugs.

klgksharma profile image

dear indiacartur

I am not able to understand what is -e1401988152791-285x190.

I had one half broken teeth extracted and dentist was of the view that my bones in that area has been affected due to infection. Incidentaly my ESR was always above 50 (1 Hr). After this extraction i had to reduce my analog insulin from 28 units to 20 units.

Has this got anything to do with rksharmakumar's write up

patliputra profile image

Your explanation is very possible. Infection -- inflammation. Remove infection , inflammation will subside with or without antibiotics.

patliputra profile image

Please never ever think of giving steroids to any case. Keep away from steroids.

Very informative writings by Sh.Indiacratus ,Thank ful to him.

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