Is there any Bio chemical treatment or medi... - Diabetes India
Is there any Bio chemical treatment or medicine for diabetes? Wish to hear from the practitioners as well as experienced ones.

Do you mean Biochemical as in Homeopathy? I hear that Natrum Sulph (6x potency) helps the Pancreas to produce Insulin in a more systematic manner. I have no idea how much it is useful. You can check it out on the net as well as any practicing Homeopath.
It is Bio chemic like homeopathy. Sorry for my mistake.
yes it is a part or brother -sister relation between homeopathy and biochemic, in biochemic there are 12 salts only which covers verious organs functions and if any of this salts are finished in the body the ailments appearn but as soon as the same salt or salts are taken /consumed that ailments cured. this is the theory and concepts of biochemic remedies. KAISER
I am using fenugreek seeds but not depend 100% on it.My Doctors advise & medicins also follows.
I found the best result in 45 days over controlling of sugar, as I used insulin powder. I bought it at online from One must use continuously for 45 days to know the benefits. Now, I decided to continue
the same. More details are given in that site.
I tried to read what is insulin powder and clicked the link provided. It reads as follows:
A leaf a day keep Diabetic away ! It does not keep diabetes but diabetic away. Do these people know what Insulin is? Ask any Doctor and he will tell you why Insulin powder ( even if available) can not be taken orally. My advce is please do not get cheated by such promros of unauthentic products. It has been named as Insulas (Insulin powder) just to deceive the people. This type of information should not be allowed on Healthunlocked.
Below is what you read on the Link.
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Insulas (insulin powder) is a genuine hebal powder for control of sugar level/releif for diabetic, which is 100% Organic and Herbal powder. Insulas is a natural herbal remedy cure made out of insulin plant leaves (Dry) to metabolize blood sugar, without any side effect. Insulas helps in stimulating pancreas for the secretion of insulin to balance blood sugar in maintaining normal glucose level and also helps in suppressing sugar out flow in urine. Insulas is an outstanding blood purifier and helps in maintaining good and clear skin. Insulas bitter taste helps to worm infestations in evading parasitic attack. It excite pancreas, spleen and liver and helps in admirable absorption of food. Insulas has a therapeutic value in diabetics. and it stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Insulas has no added colour and flavor.
cent percent
A leaf a day keep Diabetic away !
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Insulas (insulin powder) is a genuine hebal powder for control of sugar level/releif for diabetic, which is 100% Organic and Herbal powder. Insulas is a natural herbal remedy cure made out of insulin plant leaves (Dry) to metabolize blood sugar, without any side effect. Insulas helps in stimulating pancreas for the secretion of insulin to balance blood sugar in maintaining normal glucose level and also helps in suppressing sugar out flow in urine. Insulas is an outstanding blood purifier and helps in maintaining good and clear skin. Insulas bitter taste helps to worm infestations in evading parasitic attack. It excite pancreas, spleen and liver and helps in admirable absorption of food. Insulas has a therapeutic value in diabetics. and it stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Insulas has no added colour and flavor.
cent percent
For average Indians this product in your link is costly and when it reaches MLM it looses value because of its cost especially in $s.Several medicines are available in Indian market, but the meds to suit individual health and response. Homeo is yet another to enter with doctor having exp in DBM
I used Natrum sulph. 6X for several years with no results on blood sugar, but I felt more energetic when using it, than before
My email ID is Kindly let me know the therapy to cure immune related diseases.
i have tried maga phos 6x 2 tabs three times alongwith cal phos 6x and kali phos 6x and being benefited a lot.such as sugar level maintained at 200 mg/dl and other problems like exhastion,tiredness and non concenetration,irritation has been controlled.but i am taking utmost care in food also. i am fully on veg food and take food in 2 hrs interval keep sugar fee biscuits and never use sugar or its product. i would like to suggest you consult the good homeopath and i am sure bio chemic medicines are doing wonders in sugar patients its my personal experience, KAISER