I am insulin dependent diabetic of 65 year old. Besides the allopathic medicines I am taking Indusviva's Organic product i-coffee twice daily. One cup early morning on empty stomach and one cup in the night before sleep. Now I have completed 4 boxes and am advised to continue for atleast 2 more boxes. Last week I have had my routine checkup and found better result than the previous tests. I feel better than before, youthfulness/rejuvinated and free of body pain. Moreover I have been recovered from my sexual life. I optimistic in consuming the organic product and in very near future I will reveal the full history by presenting the latest medical report.

Mr. Surendra nice post but I would like to know the brand name of i-coffee and the cost of one pack.
Looks like this is advertised as good for diabetes and weight loss - There is no evidence offered on the various sites advertising this product and no warnings about it's use and possible side effects or effects on other medication being taken. Many products advertised as organic are poisons so beware.
Talk to you GP before using any so called wonder preparation as it may interfere with your medication.
It is a herbal medicine with no side effects and poison . I am a diabetic and under allopathic medication of insulin, glimer-2mg , Rabium-2 mg, Olmin 40-CH, Dilzen CD-120, Nervup OD, Ecosprin 75, Rosuvas 40, Urimax 0.4 mg. Besides the above medicine I have consumed the i-coffee and feel good and no side effects.
i-coffee : ingredients- SALACIA (Salacia reticulata extracct), WHITE KIDNEY BEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris extract), INDIAN KINO (Pterocarpus marsupium extract), FENUGREEK (Trigonella foenum graceum extract) and COFFEE-extract.
There are side effects and warning associated with Salacia webmd.com/vitamins-suppleme...
Digitalis is organic but can kill but if used carefully a great medicine. So without evidence of the safety of the individual chemicals and the combination in this herbal remedy you need to cautious.
There is some research (2007) that indicates that salacia oblonga might be helpful but it is a small trial and was administered on it's own. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/176...
A lot of people make a lot of money online offering wonder cures that at best don't work or actually do harm. So be careful
OK this is very interesting organic product but i also have another product derived from the medicinal plants of Rwenzori in western Uganda its called RWEMS (Rwenzori miracle mixture). It regulates blood sugar and treats the effects of erectile dysfunction and sexual importance as well.
Regional coordinator
National council of traditional healers and herbalists Associations (Nacotha) North western Region
tel: +256782872431 Email:drirumbajuma@gmail.com or irumbajuma@yahoo.com
Dear mr irumba does RWEM of Uganda good for diabetic type 2 person.thanks
I also want to try the i-coffee, can I buy this in Kenya if not kindly advise.kind regards
I have been diabetic for 12 years and was using tablets to control my sugar but with sexual problem. In one and half year back i was introduced to herbal mixtures like Nettle, B Gone and Hibiscus powder. I regained sexual power and my sugar is low most of the time.
I have written a detailed article in hindi on this topic : thinkingisajob.com/indus-vi...
You must check out these 12 herbs that are strongly recommended to make your metabolism healthy : goo.gl/QQLuFN