BBC" 11.20 tonight. Horizon. Fat VS Sugar. Not a truly scientific show but they do quote some accepted studies and gives some interesting results for blood sugar levels.
Interesting TV programme: BBC" 11.2... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Interesting TV programme
Ooh!! Must watch that fen!! I find that some products that I would expect to make my BM rocket actually don't and vice versa. Souns an interesting programme though! X
Ah, Sue, you're too late. Sorry. As you know part of fibro is insomnia. I posted that last night! I hope it will be repeated. I'll repeat my caution, it made good TV. They used twins to compare no sugar diet to no fat diet and insulin figures were pretty well counterintuitive. Shame they could not find triplets to have a control. One of them burned muscle to make up for the lack of available glucose. Not good. And yes, some foods do surprising things and contain unsuspected ingredients. Refer to our other conversation.
Will I get it on catch up TV?? I'll have a look, cos it sounded great! XX