Posts - Diabetes Support | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes Support

2,055 members265 posts

All posts for December 2022

No appetite

I have been living with diabetes type 2 for almost 14 years, I’m around 8 stones...

Metformin night sweats

Been having night sweats most night for last few months and have just realized i...
BlueKeith profile image

Type 2/epilepsy

I’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and epilepsy. I’m finding my b...
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Diabetes Mellitus

Ongoing treatment and support
Ethel14 profile image

How much roughly does metformin reduce a1c levels and how long does it take.

My last a1c reading was 57 about 2 month ago so was put on metformin. I take 500...
BlueKeith profile image

Advice please

I've been diagnosed 2 years now and am on Metformine ,what I would like to kno...
Fernsmum profile image

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