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Diabetes Support

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Reverse Diabetes With An All Natural Method.

Natural Approach: Reverses diabetes without pills, calorie counting, or hunger...
Barry883 profile image

supere mi diabetes

Dios gracias supere mi problema de diabetes con una tecnología que es innovadora...

What is Joint Pain? What is its best treatment Option?

The shoulder is responsible for arm motion having several joints. Joint pain of ...
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Type 1

Living with type 1 and epilspy, two very complicated diseases to battle. I do ha...
cherv profile image

How to be away from Diabetes !!!

I am here to know about Diabetes and help my family members and society. I have ...
Jigar1130 profile image

Is Diabetes reversible

I am new to this forum, hence apologize if this seems elementary or has been dis...
seebeekay profile image

Trying to come back to Normalcy

Hello, I am new here. I had a massive heart attack in April, 2014. I was given C...
sankar_45 profile image

diabetes 100% cure therapy and research.

how i can come out of diabetes 100% . Is there have some therapy . Research stat...
mukeshdongre profile image
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