Posts - Diabetes Support | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes Support

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All posts for October 2017

New Type 2 Diagnosis - swollen knees

Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with type 2 and quite shocked as I have been a veggie fo...

Neurobion ampule

Hi I'm new and i want to know ; where can buy neurobion ampule in london? And ho...

Hi I am Arshid from Kashmir

Hi everybody. I am diabetic around last ten years. I am taking insuline Glycgrin...
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Hi I am T1D for 31 years and is new here. I wanted to be inspired and learned f...

Dry mouth

I am a diabetic and my sugars are all over the place and I have a dry burning fe...
stryker1 profile image


I am a diabetic 2 and I have to carry a source of sugar with me should I also ca...
stryker1 profile image

Switch over.

I want to switch over to Glimestar from Glynase. I am having 7.8 hbaic . Metfor...
graj123 profile image

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